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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. how do you not know?
  2. yeah in•ter a•li•a came out back in May, right? i like it but was hoping for something slightly... newer sounding, different-ish, if that makes sense? good luck with tickets for a show though. the two that were near here sold out quick af cuz stubhub. then i wasn't willing to pay the outrageous prices.
  3. *ahem.... princess plug is what that is they cute
  4. yeah, i get that, sometimes it happens to me too... the worst though, when you're with a ton of people that you are actually close to but it seems like everyone is talking all at once, at one another. i tend step back from those situations because they hurt my brain and after a while, because it usually goes on for seemingly ever, i start to feel lonely among the crowd and will wander off. better to feel lonely when you're actually by yourself, i find.
  5. Lol, no... just kidding Went on vacation for a couple weeks, spent 10 days in colorado. Went camping in bear country, white water rafting, hiked around, kayaking, TEDx, barcade, comedy show, shopping, dinners, drinks, hanging w EvilsergE[/member] , fireworks, beach, and motorcycle festival. Was the best vacation ever. Now back to real life crap and chaos.
  6. Yes, just very busy You know... getting eaten by bears
  7. <3 ::spin:: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ::spin:: <3 did/are you doing anything nice for it?
  8. This is true mostly. Its definitely become an excuse anyway. However, I always thought the saying was because people are impulsively speaking whats on their mind without having put much thought into why. Even when sober, people do it because of adrenaline. Then later they may come to realize that they were wrong or what they said was wrong because they've realized something else about themselves or why they thought what they did.
  9. Wut in the for really fuck have I been missing? Same shit, different toilet?
  10. did that too work on the weekends sucks
  11. i think my cats know its caturday they are being particularly needy today
  12. concert last night with my sis and her girls, punk show tonight at the brewery for muh bday, and i managed to get about 30 people to 100% agree on an all day beach day tomorrow. dranks, food, giant majestic creature and food floaties, and SUN. if theres any good live music around, go check that out maybe?
  13. whats stopping you then?
  14. just be happy its not me who is driving safe travels, don't be too irritable!
  15. on secretary of state website doing early check in shit so i don't have to take a number when i get there. i almost forgot to renew my tabs this year. i would have been fucked tomorrow >.<
  16. i always thought my name combination would be too strange for there to be many of... and then i googled not too long ago and it seems there are quite a few Filipinas out there whom have the same name
  17. i couldn't get into it... just didn't couldn't hold my interest funny thing tho, a girl i know once tried telling me that my disinterest in the show was somehow an indication of me being opposed to feminism. not sure how that conclusion was drawn but i just laughed at her.
  18. for specific things, it is entirely necessary for others it just feel super extra bonus nice but not necessary so sometimes, yes.... at least its always on hand when i want it
  19. this^ however, in some alt universe where it would help, the answer for me is still no. he is not well and slowly dying as it is. i would rather a snake bite take him than continue to watch his decay while he verbally abuses everyone around him. i would consider it natures own form of mercy killing for a mentally and physically ill man that refuses all other help.
  20. eh, for this one i don't really think it falls exactly into that category either. just that i think the action is just entertaining enough to keep watching. but HOT DAMN GIRL! thats a lot of martial arts movies. i only have like... twenty something of them
  21. cold dick? really? i don't really like the implication of that.... :barf:
  22. THE GLOB DAMN AUTO FONT CHANGES! is this going to go away with IPB? i really really HATE that this happens almost consistently in quoted replies. it is my number one frustration here. more than board drama, more than down servers, more than load times.... it makes me want to throw something.
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