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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. i'm not surprised. you live on the east side of the state right? the roads are even worse over there than here and it seems like there is construction EVERYWHERE. now i'm not sure how this really works in most places but i do know that here, if you mess up your vehicle on a pothole or construction site, you can petition the city to pay for your repairs. doesn't always work but i've known a few people that it has worked for.
  2. its probably one of her favorites too then
  3. its appalling that this even is a thing that has to happen.
  4. goals
  5. public park, on a boat, or the beach (not in the sand tho, that sux) probably my favorite was in the woods and rain... i guess, anywhere outside is a pretty liberating feeling
  6. definitely the pharmaceuticals. other than that, smoking and depression are common reasons people taste food less. i heard once that if you regularly eat around scented candles or incense, that it can dull your ability to taste. not really sure if that is true though.
  7. I think they taste weird af but most people do seem to like them.
  8. Mexican street corn Turkey legs Deep fried mac n chee Churros
  9. Not all because of potholes, I hope.
  10. i'm not on the toilet long enough to read or look at my phone
  11. MEXobiologist


    silly kids and their avant garde art projects
  12. his first name is right in that pic.... tho i guess its common enough. still. probably sawdy.
  13. then i wouldn't call it a suck painting. i've seen peoples art that look like they were painting with all thumbs when they started, advance to remarkable pieces of fine art. seems to me you've got a head start and should keep at it when you can. its nice. particularly, i see specific spots throughout that show good texture which is actually hard for many others to develop. moar paintings poof!
  14. what if they were free?
  15. a warning on deciding to stay single for the rest of your life, maybe?
  16. at least it was still meat
  17. like... mistakenly? did you think it was lamb on steroids?
  18. the superiority of french toast
  19. hmmm, thats not bad then. i'll sleep there.
  20. my kitties i think netflix and spotify might just be pretending to love me, i can't tell for sure...
  21. how many different peoples semen has touched that kitty blanket?
  22. you just reminded me that i might be an awful human
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