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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. or are you just bent because you can't walk out of walmart with it
  2. womens shoe size 6.5 -gin is NAY. -jalepeno kettle chips are like crack. -i would choose red because i thought of which fruit candy flavors i like more. -asking what the first thing i would do at 90 ft tall implies that it was a sudden development. so i believe the first thing i would do is panic and try to find something to cover my nude gigantic body with. -if we were a duo, i would choose finn and jake because then we could have sweet bizarre adventures that sometimes also break out into song.
  3. this. i'm also getting extra frustrated with all the vague half-assed explanations surrounding this subject. like just bust it all out and explain whats gone down already. even his death, i don't get why that has to be such a secret. jesus fuck, these people. like... is anything really so unbelievable? white walkers, the night king, and a zombie army. really daenerys? FUCKING REALLY!?! remember your fucking hubby and what went down with him? you have fucking dragons and can't be burned! you think you're the only person who has encountered some pretty unbelievable shit!? gtfo, all this is annoying me. dire wolves dragons resurrection white walkers the night king the unburnt red priestesses faceless man three eyed raven so on... the accounts all continuously stack up. everyone has experienced something, become something, witnessed something unbelievable enough that none of this shit should be a surprise or rumors dismissed as folklore.
  4. well I dunno about a warm box but I have considered this before
  5. Depends on who you ask.
  6. Not sure which I've had longer but its between a pair of roxy swim/surf shorts and a dude abides graphic tee. I don't hoard clothes for real long but these have last well over ten years now.
  7. i bet more than half of your siblings died before puberty as well
  8. This. Except the caring about rings part.
  9. Rarely... for extremely special occasions only. When I need to be real fancy. I have a couple Burberry scents (Brit and London) and one from VS that was gifted to me.... which honestly I prefer because it fades VERY quickly. I'm not much a fan of the stuff on anyone because it usually gives me headaches.
  10. step 1. find something you enjoy that doesn't include them step 2. do that
  11. <3 ::spin:: sweet babies!
  12. i don't watch them either, commercials are the worst. i don't necessarily seek out things to buy that often either. it the whole, i'm out of this thing or that, so i go to buy more of it and end up blowing money on all this other extra shit. like when i'm out of beading wire for example. i'll make a run to the craft places for it and then suddenly i've spent 100$ on beads, leather cord, tools, and components. like wtf? there wont even be room for it so next thing i know i'm buying another case to organize it in. -_' -_' -_' -_' -_' -_' -_'
  13. Marketing. They totez know this and have us all by the balls (or hoohas respectively). From the bottom of the payscale to the top.
  14. Power to you. I impulse buy food and bathing products like crazy. They're just cheaper usually..... depending.... idk, my frame of reference is bad for vidja games these days.
  15. Impulse purchasing, friend. You don't need or technically even want it.
  16. Shush now, 80's is perfect temperature.
  17. tell him you will kill him in thirds for easier disposal
  18. the last cereal addiction i remember from when i could milk was golden grams and mini wheats
  19. why are we having shouting threads about shouting threads?
  20. lol, you do your own dirty googling!
  21. you should write a short childrens book and have her do the illustrations
  22. you stop that
  23. lol, for real? i totally just snagged a pic of a random one from img search >
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