i'm also getting extra frustrated with all the vague half-assed explanations surrounding this subject. like just bust it all out and explain whats gone down already. even his death, i don't get why that has to be such a secret. jesus fuck, these people.
like... is anything really so unbelievable? white walkers, the night king, and a zombie army. really daenerys? FUCKING REALLY!?! remember your fucking hubby and what went down with him? you have fucking dragons and can't be burned! you think you're the only person who has encountered some pretty unbelievable shit!? gtfo, all this is annoying me.
dire wolves
white walkers
the night king
the unburnt
red priestesses
faceless man
three eyed raven
so on...
the accounts all continuously stack up. everyone has experienced something, become something, witnessed something unbelievable enough that none of this shit should be a surprise or rumors dismissed as folklore.