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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. ohhhhh, i get it now :brownbottle: |::
  2. i could sacrifice my favorite food for that actually, its not like i get to eat it often anyway fair trade
  3. and just how the fuck am i supposed to get laid then? dream killer
  4. this one, for sure^ esp with halloween coming.
  5. if i had a 10ft dick, i would wear it as a scarf.
  6. subject to change on a regular basis as i am not particularly close with anyone. so without that bias, whomever is amusing me most at any given time, i suppose.
  7. No, you have not been banned. I am not sure why you can't log in. Thats something I think only Zintar[/member] and KN[/member] could possibly help with.
  8. This topic has been moved to Dumpster Fires. [iurl]http://unevenedge.com/index.php?topic=14939.0[/iurl]
  9. do a quick google search for "cat skeleton decoration" they're everywhere! so many options even pups ::spin::
  10. the larger version in my pic was bought at one of those pop up halloween stores last year maybe one near you would have something similar/same?
  11. somebody should embroider a mustache and scowling brow on pooh and send it to you not me though, i would give up a quarter way through and finish in sharpie
  12. 'weed made me like this'
  13. ::spin:: ::spin:: MINI ME! its like.... the same damn thing all shrunk down and apparently also a bookworm
  14. Well.... not exactly that But I have done the inhale hot sauce thing and coughed so hard I had to go puke.
  15. Mobile make for tiny words. I read that as shitting. Still works.
  16. i forgot where exactly you've moved to, but if my general area is correct, then no. i do believe you are in the general ballpark of 11-15 hours drive from me.
  17. don't make me do that annoying thing where i show you exactly where i live on my hand
  18. yes, yes i am. its almost 11:30 though, so i dunno... i'm starting to contemplate sleeping before my stomach decides to feel like its eating itself and just deal with it in the morning. or do i just eat? indecision plagues me.
  19. i don't quite know about my speed in posting and how great or terrible it was. i do i know that my typing skillz massively improved because of posting. and that my wit was faster. and that i even had wit. i'm not even exactly sure when i stopped being such a wretched smart ass in life.
  20. the traffic it got mostly... some nights it was just impossible to even try to keep up actually, i think naraku has basically hit all of the points i would mention
  21. its really kind of strange. more women can go without, and probably also men, than realize. not everyone for sure, and diet can have a lot to do with your odor as well. fall through winter i don't even fuck with it. even in the case that i forget during the rest of the year, i always have a travel pack of facial cleansing towelettes in my purse, so i take a second halfway through the day and give them a quick wipe. i only even wear it because summer heat and laboring makes me sweaty there. sometimes i wonder if i should just deal with the sweat in order to forego the nasty sour smell deodorant can give me.
  22. one would think that such is the natural order of things i'm just a freak of nature, i think...
  23. i forget to do that quite a lot. thankfully, i don't have much of a body odor there, if at all on some days. no lie, i've had people double check me on those days. deodorant actually makes me smell worse by the end of a busy work shift. blech. problem is sweat. if its busy, summer, and the AC isn't working well, i run the risk of pitting even if it doesn't smell like BO.
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