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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. I would too, if the results weren't so damn disgusting and painful.
  2. Jelly. Regular ice cream is the bringer of pain and suffering in my life Fortunately, I got a tip that he local health food store has finally expanded their selection of almond ice cream from the three previous flavors to an entire cooler worth! So huzzah! I will be experimenting very soon
  3. Look guys, this is a long ass thread... lets not ruin our nice things. I need you to start spoiler tagging the nudity please. Seriously.
  4. Iiiiiiiiii am not dead yrt!!!! My friend did do am impulsive flip off a dock and lose hid bike to the lake tho. Lollolklol!
  5. Aaaaaand of course, FML, cuz I just got my monthly visitor. Its like that bitch always knows when I have serious plans.
  6. I think coors banquet is the only beer like that I'll drink anymore. Its mostly craft for me these days.... or martinis.... for whatever reason I've found love in a martini glass
  7. Also, you gotta figure that even if they break even in donation/beer cost, thats a tax write off right there and no biggie.
  8. The beer I drink is usually 4-6$ a pop.... 3.75$ if I go light and just drink oberon or some shit like that. I am unsure what the cheap stuff runs these days but I think pbr is exactly 2$ or maybe 2.50$. I dunno tho, couple of the stops are breweries and the majority of whats on tap, at least on this route, is craft beer.
  9. Lolol, this is actually tied to a benefit as well. All bars involved in the route pledge $2 per drink purchased by bikers to the citys child abuse council.
  10. I dunno. This is the 5th year now for the event and so far, no arrests or anything. Just a lot of drunk people wrecking their bikes and getting minor injuries. Lol, the last trek of the route goes through downtown right next to a courthouse and police station.
  11. Rashida is adorable fine.
  12. I've never done one in previous year cuz I'm nervous about wrecking my bike, but I figure I have to do it at least once. The only time I've gotten quite drunk while biking, I almost hit one tree and rode into the lake because I was laughing so hard I couldn't open my eyes. Am I gonna die?
  13. I'm not shitty to phillies.
  14. Did you ever ask your neighbor about the baggie?
  15. i actually thought this was going to be a story piece
  16. kief rolled nugs? uh, yes plz and then see you never... cuz its adventure time
  17. MEXobiologist


    to be perfectly honest with you i think my dentist needs some sort of stimulant or another he looks like droopy, moves like a 90yr old, and has the personality of stale white bread
  18. they do, maybe not always or as much/loudly... but they do. i'm sure some of it is due to the difference in physical effort, but also definitely because fucking feels better.
  19. i'm a masochist
  20. i don't think you're understanding me correctly i ate ALL of the cheese all of it all the cheeses in all the land have become one with my gut
  21. pretty girl is pretty girl, who cares about the ink it would be strange if you didn't think shes hot
  22. i ate all the cheese, there is no more... anywhere
  23. when people insist i am angry, though i am not, until the point where i end up angry with them. when people throw cig butts on the ground. when people say "these ones"
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