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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I never kiss my mother.
  2. Im just gonna move back to arizona, warm sunshine without all the moisture and mosquitos.
  3. Im calling the police.
  4. This, super humid, storms, mosquitos and misery. Welcome to the south.
  5. Lets just agree what we think about plurals are correct and just change it how ever we see fit. Screw proper english.
  6. We had tornados last night. I would take snow over tornados. My auto correct says the plural form of tornado is tornadoes. I think it's wrong. I think it's tornados.
  7. Union contracting at it's finest.
  8. What about longer questions, or pointed question?
  9. You need to start a good core exercise program. I started one years ago and all my chronic back pain as well as throwing out my back ended.
  10. Strengthen your core. It will help loads with back problems. It really has little to do with your age.
  11. And mine, im about to scramble some eggs.
  12. It's not your fault. He should have spoiler tagged it or just posted it in Df.
  13. I've probably seen it.
  14. Never tell someone "don't look down". I watch Dr pimple popper's youtube videos. I've seen some things.
  15. Dang it, now I have to.
  16. I named all my dogs asshole regardless of their actual name.
  17. None of this applies to me. I would never ride a bus. LOOK AT MY PRIVILEGE, LOOK AT IT!!!
  18. It went pretty good. They did the super fast rushed tour then left. The funeral lasted the rest of the day. We only use the fanciest sliced individually wrapped great value cheese for our honoured guests.
  19. Nope she just called out of the blue this morning. My dog destroys his toys so we had to clean up his mess. Other than a random dog hair tumble weed the house stays pretty clean.
  20. When my mother in law breaks something which is constantly, she comes to my house to get me. Since I primarily work in my home office that means I do nothing all day and am available. She literally sits across from my desk and stares at me until I go do the thing.
  21. A good son would have already done that for her.
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