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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I never said anything about different. Admit it....you yelled EWWWWWW! 😁
  2. I just saw this news story. I was thinking I might try it after Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, at my parents house, in their front yard.
  3. You need to have your primary care physician refer you to a neurologist if you haven't already. Those types of migraines can lead to strokes.
  4. Touch his butt.
  5. Arrange the mothballs into the shape of a pentagram for maximum summoning potential.
  6. You have long fingers. You ever consider a career in proctology?
  7. The ass.
  8. Camel toe is a given under every school uniform.
  9. Meanwhile, back at the crapper league.... *asswipe*
  10. Most of these types of positions I've seen posted are in government. I assume that they do this because poor budgets with multiple positions to fill. After reading through so many requests for quotes on their website, I see it on both sides. The job descriptions in some rfqs are just insane.
  11. Same way my wife does.........she doesn't.
  12. Sometimes it's worse than that. I generally call them tooth fairy positions. They ask for people who have years of experience in multiple fields and then offer 35k a year. If it were a specific field with management experience that would be ok but it almost always isn't. It's like a dentist with 10 years experience who just so happened to have had 10 years in a construction trade.
  13. My friends were interviewed by the FBI for security clearances. Most are done by hired companies. When none are available, the FBI do the interviews. Its pretty common practice. I'm not saying lord zeni up there is telling the truth but if he is, it's more than likely that this is the case.
  14. I'm going to oppress my wife today. MEN!!! HOORAH!!!
  15. Go with god my child.
  16. You might lose your wizard hat if these guys show up.
  17. Nabs is right, the assholes in this picture are the problem. That chump on the bottom is the worst one.
  18. They had parents you only saw once or twice.
  19. The KFC thing is real. They order that shit months in advance just so they can get it for Christmas.
  20. My wife always asks me what happened to the kid's parents and I always just assume all parents die in Japan as soon as the kids hit puberty.
  21. I watched it with my wife. We both enjoy it. I didn't feel it was slow at all. I pretty much agree with your review.
  22. Reported for reporting. @Cau
  23. Squid, and octopuses are for some reason all hell bent on rape. If you find one, it's a done deal.....you getting raped.
  24. Only in Japan....and Europe.
  25. Good point, all cousin and sisters are stacked in Japan so that helps.
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