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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Your face is a fetus!!!!
  2. I'm thinking it's just after party, nothing else to do but hump sex. Everything on tv has been seen. What better time to slide into home base....
  3. I saw a study that said more people have sex on Christmas day than any other day of the year. I didn't dig into any of the details but I'm pretty sure I have sex every Christmas......And every normal weekday........and every abnormal week day.
  4. Happy birthday fetus, I'm still older than you.
  5. Crush posts nonstop on snapchat.
  6. Very southern. Like you have to drive 200 miles past the sun to get this far south.
  7. If you ever hung out in tinychat you would have heard mine.
  8. This thread reminded me of tinychat and everyone screaming that I type to loud.
  9. Having the option is nice even if you never use it.
  10. Y'all don't have kids yet....stop wearing clothes at home. Once they happen, naked time is over......forever.
  11. You do it in heels?
  12. Your feet are going to smell.
  13. This guy gets it. Sex that is.
  14. Is that a special brand? I get all my socks from the bargain bin.....during sex.
  15. I'm fully clothed at all times, even sexy time......never nude.
  16. During sex? Asking for a friend.
  17. Shimoneta....a pretty good anime.
  18. I've seen literally hundreds just this year alone, from almost every genre. I usually don't watch historical or horror anime but have in the past. I know way more about Oda Nobunaga than any westerner should.
  19. Seen all of your recommendations.
  20. Don't worry, they will abandon it soon enough.
  21. At this point I have seen so many that I have to search them to remember most of them. There are a few series that I have no problem remembering. As far as rom coms go Haganai is one of my all time favorites. One that's ongoing atm Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo, is pretty awesome. I highly recommend it.
  22. Seen all but two of these tsurezure children and Arakawa under the bridge. Might check them out this weekend.
  23. Seen it and liked it. Last week I think.
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