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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I like a large variety. It kind of just depends on my mood. I found a pretty amazing one last week. It was called Domestic sister. It should have been called a series of extremely bad choices. I loved Rascal senpai does not dream of bunny girl. That series and specifically the move was just so gut wrenchingly amazing. I was in the mood for a straight up rom com tonight but haven't been able to find it yet.
  2. I've seen almost all of these. Some I couldn't make it through like high score girl. I'm just as excited for those nostalgic games but not to the point where it makes up the only plot point.
  3. Mathew Perry was the only reason to watch that show and even then not a strong enough reason.
  4. I liked both of those. I had reservations about My love story but was pleasantly surprised.
  5. That's an old one. I haven't seen it. There's just something that puts me off about the older art styles they used.
  6. Already seen it. It wasn't bad.
  7. One I haven't seen yet.
  8. I would go on fight tour. I'm going to find Detroit Red......it's gonna be on like Donkey Kong!
  9. Big gay Al's big gay animal sanctuary?
  10. Happy birthday douche bag!
  11. SSI goes out around the first. First week of the month is grocery shopping time for all of them.
  12. Getting rained on or slightly chilled means you almost die from a "cold" if you are Japanese.
  13. I'm a huge Toto fan. The Japanese really know how to make shit work............. All of those things sound easy to me but I do understand that most people aren't plumbing experts or builders like a couple of us here. Honestly it's more about having the right tools to do the job.
  14. I sunned my taint on my parents lawn.
  15. Attach it to your nearest fire hydrant and you will never have to worry about a dirty ass again.
  16. Most decent bidet seats/washlets have built in heaters. You do have to have a gfci outlet to plug it into.
  17. All mangaka wear track suits at all times.
  18. Can I stay at home under the covers and still meet you?
  19. Peanut butter pie is best pie. Followed closely by lemon icebox pie and coming in third, cherry pie.
  20. Let's meet up and have a conversation about how awesome beef hamburgers are and how socialism kills countries.
  21. Apparently I have been doing it wrong all these years. I should have been licking her armpits for maximum pleasure.
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