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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I have a crisis. Can I call during dinner?
  2. Just 8? I've been dealing with a charge from a radiologist for two years. It's not even my bill. They got my name and info and charged me for someone else's bill.
  3. Saitama from one punch man, his overpowering apathy is just legendary. (Unless there is a sale at the grocery store.) I just love his character for this reason. There is a new anime that just started. Hulu has it. The overly cautious hero. The "hero" destroys towns and kills the citizens he's supposed to protect. It's a comedy. You should check it out.
  4. If you're talking about the dude, no. If you're talking about duck, yes.
  5. Oh yeah, hospice is a huge field. You should be able to get a good job just about anywhere.
  6. I wouldn't worry to much about it. Depending on what field it is, you might get a better opportunity at a different company. I have no idea what your field of study is.
  7. Ask for a post evaluation meeting to go over it. They should be willing and able to explain what you did right and wrong. That's the whole point of those things. Businesses do better when the employees do better. It's mutually beneficial.
  8. Sounds like an outsourced recruiting company. They don't care if you are qualified or not. They throw people at jobs in hope that one of them gets the job and they get a commission.
  9. He would do much better if he stuck to rock. I can't stand overly produced pop music and his voice is out of place in it.
  10. You just check the job posting to see what they require. If it's in the works some will hire you on probation until it comes through. It really depends on the company.
  11. If you still have an active ts clearance and a pulse you can get a job there. They are listed on LinkedIn and indeed just search jobs at Ft Huachuca.
  12. You could always go back as a contractor there if you graduated the course. They were screaming for people in that field earlier this year.
  13. Did you ever eat at Mimosas or Bisbee breakfast club? I would go back just for that.
  14. Wife was a contractor In MI. We lived there for about 5 years. We moved away about three years ago.
  15. I loved that fort. I would move back if I could.
  16. I think I talked to you when you were full time. I lived at one of the places where they train uav pilots for the army.
  17. Sex, coffee and smoke.
  18. Just don't say you're eod attached to infantry.
  19. Infantry mos?
  20. Mine were all bacon related so that kid rajin had to have done that one.
  21. I have genitals.
  22. She would never. Do you have any idea how many bacon bans she had to deal with?
  23. Try a BLT pizza. They are amazing. Bacon, lettuce, tomatoes and mayo.
  24. I have to agree with the OP, pineapple is the devil's fruit.
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