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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. It will be glorious. I should be on time tomorrow.
  2. All clothes should be made from the same material as panties. Demons seem to be able to melt everything but those. Even katanas can't cut them ( unless the katana is wielded by the wearer of the panties). If you slap a girl, she will instantly fall in love with you. If you are a Japanese boy in high school, you can gain a harem just by being unpopular.
  3. I died in an unfortunate smelting accident. Can't work today.
  4. @Cau
  5. @Cau
  6. @katt_goddess
  7. @PhilosipherStoned
  8. @Admin_Raptorpat
  9. @Cau
  10. Duzitickle Sticks o steel Hackeredward EasyE I think that's about it. I live really close to a few others but haven't had the time or opportunity to meet.
  11. I would invite Zeni to my dojo.
  12. What about ecstacy and glo stick?
  13. Let's all go fishing and have breakfast.
  14. Social justice warriors and political correctness killed comedy.
  15. They gonna get that blue blood going. Maybe an anime about incest babies would be better than this abortion.
  16. I watched something a few months back. I can't remember the name but I posted about it. It's one of those so bad it's funny type animes. I can remember it but not the name. The English VA work in it was so horrible. I'm going to look for it when I have time and post the name.
  17. I finished this turd. It's in my top ten worst anime. It's probably pretty close to Grand Blue Fantasy in terms of suck. On a lighter note, Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? This anime was pretty damn funny. The main character's reaction to the events was well done. Even though hentai is in the title, it's not a hentai. 7/10
  18. 3.99 years old or <5
  19. I had other things to watch so I haven't made it that far yet.
  20. When you work where I have any place will do in an emergency situation. I've gone in construction dumpsters, ditches, fields,pot o John's you name it. I've shit in it.
  21. I specified. Dude....lady ass.......I want to officially protest this grade. Edit: If coffee sexual is a thing I could switch.
  22. I'm a dude. I like ladies because lady ass......rawr.
  23. It might have been better if it was.
  24. I've never seen that one. I am on a quest to find the worst anime at the moment. I might try it out.
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