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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. ok also you messed up your quote
  2. As I recall, fatalism is a branch of predeterminism. Whereas predeterminism generally is the concept that everything is predetermined (either by due to a supreme being or due to a rube goldberg machine of chemical reactions triggered by the big bang), fatalism is more Shakespearean or like Oedipus. Or as Darth Vader would say: "it is your destiny"
  3. Fatalism is like a kind of like the dramatic version of predeterminism. Predeterminism is the concept that everything is all, well, pre-determined - from the weather down to our individual choices.
  4. whyuu
  5. so are you saying i gotta ban erryone who doesn't post enough, and also the assholes who post too much to scare other people away from posting
  6. Generally I think I message board behavior had changed since the '00s. I rarely get involved in like actual real-time posting, unless I'm directly doing something related to the site. Rather, it's either one of the tabs I have open if on my personal PC, or I check the site on my phone in little breaks here and there. But I think this is what the message board format is geared towards, rather than real-time activity.
  7. I don't think fox hunting is as widespread as it once was, and I don't think anyone actually does the fox hunting sport where the rich people ride the horses that chase after the dogs that scare the foxes out of hiding.
  8. Halfway through salad Find a hair
  9. ie the last day your account wasn't set to invisible on this software
  10. Ah, November 13 - forever to be known as "the day Naraku#### turned their profile to hidden"
  11. So then what's the timeline on him finding here
  12. Shin jelly outage Population alphatown ??
  13. i would hate to be covered in beehives
  14. I was looking for it right now and to my disappointment he seems to have deleted it...
  15. the opening ceremony is on behind me right now katie couric et al are ruining the show by reading the notes they were just given about how asian the show is
  16. No thanks I do not need the meat sweats
  17. Are you suuuuuure?
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. This specifically is an achievement for humanity, it's our interface with space, which reminds me that we're all inconsequential specks on a little blue dot near one of a cluster of a trillion yellow dots that is just one of trillions of these clusters of dots. Then I go back to doing office stuff that will never matter in this grand scheme.
  20. I watched this at work when it happened. I think I turned around and said something along the lines of "you know, this is one of those things that reminds me that nothing we do actually matters."
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