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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. She quoted you and then edited out the quote. I think it was an accident.
  2. UnevenEdge Message Board will be shutting down briefly Wednesday night for routine site maintenance. Maintenance should wrap up after a couple hours. We will send out an email, as well as post on the UEMB Twitter and Facebook pages, to alert everyone when the site is back up.
  3. Like I mean, is this from personal experience or firsthand experience of someone around you? Are you in some mindhole you're trying to logic out of?
  4. I'm still trying to figure out what the angle is
  5. If you realize you're killing valuable night time by doing something as unenjoyable as playing solitaire, then it's time to piss or get off the pot
  6. ok then maybe tell them that UEMB says hi and we do need their validation
  7. tell them UEMB says hi and totally doesn't need their validation
  8. Don't forget the 50% increase on top to pay for the stamp
  9. He's real. The weather-control isn't real, but he sure is.
  10. Modern consoles like the 3DS do save things directly, just not gameplay data on a cartridge game. Like a downloaded game saves to the system obviously, or if the cartridge game gets patched or updated, that saves to the system too.
  11. No. Cartridges save data. The old consoles were literally just boxes that played the cartridge. That means you could take your cartridge to your friend's and play from your save on your friend's console. Cartridges were replaced by CDs because that technology could store more data at the time, which meant bigger and better games. However, CDs can't save date because there was no way to rewrite a CD. While that doesn't matter today when consoles have internal storage, there was a generation of consoles (ps1, gcn, ps2) that introduced CDs but hadn't yet bridged the gap on internal storage. In order to save your games, you needed external memory cards. Those memory cards were basically cartridges.
  12. That's generally how cartridges work
  13. if it's something as simple as that then I'll probably go ahead with the plan unless someone has legit problems with the notion if he gave out a rank for like someone saving a dozen babies and puppies out of a burning building I'd feel more hesitant to touch it
  14. *permabanned next time it will be though, so consider this your warning
  15. congrats, that's pretty cool own or rent?
  16. yup yup also fyi, since this is a thread generally involving custom ranks/member groups: I think our plan going forward will be to give out the customs as a reward for donating to the server fund or for winning contests, probably for the duration of the calendar year, or something like that. for everyone who was given a custom beforehand, I don't know the context of why it was given out so I guess I was leaning towards grandfathering them in for this year or round or however I'm doing it. still not 100% settled, but I'm going to pull the trigger on whatever I do after the maintenance this week.
  17. it's because you have a custom rank/member group so I would have had to set yours manually (and I guess this means I didn't) edit: there
  18. It's true. And it also involved diecast Thomas the Tank Engine trains too.
  19. never eat soggy Wheaties
  20. I would just say that it's generally not a great idea to go there, even if you're just being cheeky
  21. Misaka don't tag girls to try to get them to share pictures of their butts.
  22. Hold on, I gotta find where all my old Thomas trains are!
  23. I think this is probably my problem too. It's not one that sleeping 10 hours on the weekend does anything to mitigate (even though it feels greeeaaaat to not have to wake up for work). I've spent a lot more of my down time on my PC, so I'm spending eight or nine hours at one desk only to spend another three or four at another. Brain tell me that bad.
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