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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. Of course it does Making fun of shadowstaarr is like a national pastime
  2. Yeah but then you find out you just got a +7 kudos from shadowstaarr and then it's not worth the paper it's printed on
  3. I had that thought, but I only heard about hubbb second hand so I didn't know for sure
  4. Can't fall asleep, alarm in seven hours, changing clocks is dumb
  5. when there's talk about getting rid of it, the next step of the conversation is how it'll be preferable to stay in savings time instead of standard time, because the numbers on the clock better reflect what time of day we want that extra hour of sunlight and that's when you realize that out relationship with time is that of an entirely human construct with no true objective meaning
  6. if it is a recurring dream, try to hold on to one detail at a time and maybe after 5 years you can paint us a full picture
  7. @Mini_Ghost right? or am i mixing up names
  8. I thought darksidexxx was here
  9. no backwards compatibility with the Wii U they abandoned and the re-releasing enhanced remasters of Wii U games with additional content makes me feel real smart for spending money the first go around
  10. Generally I tell myself this every morning as I struggle to get up for work
  11. I see the way you look at me, like I'm just meat to you
  12. that was kind of my reaction too
  13. Ok let's do this
  14. I bet if I moved this to the anime folder, you'd get reported for trolling wouldn't be the first time
  15. These kinds of "crazy" bills generally go that route, only in the end ultimately serving to get the otherwise unnoteworthy legislator a day in the news.
  16. Having not read the article, I bet they're both back-benchers and the bill was dead in committee before the ink dried.
  17. The first time I tried corned beef as a kid, my dad had been hyping it up all day while it cooked in the crock pot. Maybe it was the hype vs expectations, but I did not like and didn't try it again until I was an adult. It has since grown on me. But cabbage? Yeah, I'll do with a real side thank you.
  18. Nope, I'm passed that stage, - at least for now.
  19. Of course it is different, that's stupid to argue it's not.
  20. I hate you for making me laugh
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