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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. If you don’t leave when asked it’s a NAP violation, Conrad.
  2. More money from doing things I actually like Finally paying off debt bigger boobs laser hair removal for my DUMB GAY FACE
  3. You can get a degree with a gun if you try hard enough.
  4. Post count +1
  5. I can’t remember if I have tbh
  6. Poor cookie
  7. You’re the one talking about passing, egg
  8. Wait, you did?
  9. You might once you take the plunge and estrogen is pumping through your veins
  10. I can’t think of many words in Mandarin that have an L sound off the top of my head and idk about Cantonese or other spoken languages. There isn’t really one singular language outside of written. Still, it doesn’t seem to be an issue when I have Cantonese or Mandarin speaking customers so I don’t believe the stereotype.
  11. I would have dressed as sexy Mrs Claus. Red stilettos and all.
  12. I’ve seen weirder. This is tame. Ever been to an ihop that had armed security in the middle of winter, only to see someone wearing nothing but underwear and a tan Carhartt jacket? Didnt think so
  13. Lana Del Rey has definitely taken a fat dick in her lifetime
  14. Every time she’s in the news it’s for drama or something absurd like this lmao
  15. Imagine not colonizing the moon and putting a refueling station on it before we try to meme mars anyway, we’re all gonna intentionally become robots or other non-humans in 40 years in order to not due if climate change so I’m sure some will opt to become fishpeople
  16. I don’t, but I don’t exactly have to. I’m only doing it if need arises and I’m using every part of the animal that I can. If it became necessity I could do it, and I’m already a decent shot so there’s that.
  17. I want to like found footage but it never lives up to its potential. The shaky camera thing has already been addressed, but that’s actually not my biggest issue with it. The problem is actually that amateur camera work is the most believable thing about these movies. The stories themselves and the atmosphere are rarely, if ever, believable. The ghosts or whatever usually look fake. Too many of them have something to do with demonic possession. I could keep going but I have an extreme love/hate relationship with this genre.
  18. Idk, maybe some people dislike you or are wary because of that anti-Semitic post you made awhile back.
  19. Hey comrade
  20. NatGeo doesn’t have BDSM internet- one natgeo- none
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