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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. Making everything tolerable. As long as one can keep their shit together of course.
  2. I think someone already mentioned it but there are good starter kits too. They’ll come with a small amp, cords, and maybe spare strings. They’re worth looking into
  4. “Senkaku belongs to Japan!”
  5. I know a little bit of Mandarin but Cantonese looks really hard. How am I supposed to get on this restaurant’s good side now?
  6. I got a good strat for like a couple hundred a few years ago. I already knew how to play but basically get a cheap but okay Fender or whatever their cheap brand is do not get Gibson. Get an Epiphone if you must go that route. There are other brands but worry about those later. Whenever you buy one @me and I will link you to places where you can learn pretty much every chord and explain steps and shit to you
  7. Do you know Cantonese? i gotta get in good with this ScArY tRiAd ReStAuRaNt Fuggs is scared of
  8. I would have eaten there anyway. If it’s a front maybe they’d give me a good courier run. Just don’t tell me what’s in the package
  9. Eat Benadryl until you pass out
  10. I’d fight people with rogue, snort drugs with nabraniel, and then fuck everyone daily
  11. It’s so bad
  12. Prepare for your new boobs to hurt a lot
  13. I do courier work with apps like Postmates people are trusting you, who could be anyone, with their food and their address.
  14. We should automate everything we possibly can until we’re all free of work.
  15. I have two or three that look pretty good, a couple I don’t really like that much, but most of this is stuff that was given to me so it’s nice to have
  16. Yeah but Bootte is who to /be/ i mean what
  17. Skirts feel great So do dresses that fit well and show off your body’s shape, or at least help give the illusion you have one
  18. I want to add up how much money the company is paying annually me to poop.
  19. There’s one spooky cemetery near me that’s supposedly haunted. A few people I go urban exploring with and I have had some spoopy experiences, but I don’t know if I really believe or not. If I was an atheist I’d say I don’t, but I’m not.
  20. I once knew someone who wanted to be a sex robot
  21. B O O T Y O N T H E O U T S I D E
  22. Have u listened to YotS yet?
  23. When we fight I’m going to enter the cage to Death Grips
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