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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. Poop on their chest
  2. I love ants. Their roles apparently aren’t as fixed as we initially believed and the Queen isn’t really a Queen she’s just important because baby ants. So they kinda just do whatever and help each other because it’s beneficial to everyone. They just do things based on collective need to form a superorganism that’s a force of nature. Some can even strip full grown cows of their meat horrifyingly fast. They have great complex little cities and communities like mole people and if they had human brains but kept their current behavior we’d be fucked if they got mad at us lmao
  3. I see no reason not to make life easier overall if we can
  4. God that’s beautiful
  5. I’m an anime robot maid trust me, you’re not a robot
  6. Can’t say I disagree tbh. There’s a question of how to make it happen but my answer is G L O R I O U S A U T O M A T I O N granted my view is less one of deserve and more of “we’re social animals who have strayed from our nature” + “if we can make it happen there’s no reason not to”
  7. My result is kind of strange given where I’ve actually lived
  8. It’s gonna be funny to see them quoting Death Grips in campaign slogans
  9. Why not put your brain in a robot
  10. Imagine Millenials and Gen Z with their combined powers of being mad at capitalism and enjoying shitposting all day That’s something I’m thrilled I’ll get to see
  11. I’m getting to old to drink when I have to be up early I’m fuckin with you I’m never slowing down lmao
  12. Remember when Fight Club told Gen X that being reactionary is dumb and you shouldn’t care about not having a Great War and shit? remember when a bunch of edgelords from every generation proceeded to misinterpret fight club?
  13. Wtf I love balloon porn now
  14. I was gonna do stuff like this but now I’m just gonna take The Fall’s approach while yelling about things that get on my nerves
  16. You don’t really need to like leather it will be a good material to wear in the wasteland
  17. You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
  18. God I hope so. Then we push for psychedelics like shrooms and LSD.
  19. It doubles as a way to paint your bathroom
  20. You should cut their butt off
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