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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. Do courier work.
  2. Step it up a notch and put meth in your cigarettes tobacco is some chump excuse for a stimulant my dude
  3. I wonder what it’s like to put glass in your peehole you should do it and take pics. Make sure you inform us on the results of your study
  4. What the fuck don’t just throw your bottles in the trash pharmacies have what are called DPI boxes to throw those in, and they get held securely for a period of time. Also that guy sounds like a dick, but if it helps you feel better the average person doesn’t even know the name of their own meds. At least not the generic name, and they definitely don’t know what other people’s meds are.
  5. Alternatively it’s a party where I’m constantly hammered and high as fuck
  6. It’s just another phase of existence. It’s not necessarily some end paradise
  7. Tell her you’re an anti-Natalist lmao
  8. Being an insufferable jackass who did nothing wrong obviously
  9. What up
  10. The most Egoist thing one can do is merge into a hive/superorganism to become a greater being a Superego if you will so same
  12. I definitely prefer it tbh
  13. Nab tell them to read Desert ive never actually read Desert btw
  14. I hope that my observations and questions create echoes, or that my books are remembered after I finish them. Whether they become memes or are seen as influential is of little importance to me. Actually if nothing about me is remembered I won’t care anyway. Because I will be dead, or in a robot body.
  15. I have an area code from a place I’ve never lived.
  16. I wish humans would become the Borg
  17. That’s actually amazing because being a pundit or whatever he considers himself doesn’t actually produce anything
  18. Pssshhh yeah if it was like 2005 You have to do it like this *puts insane amounts of reverb and hi hats over an old funk track* *autotune* fortnite fortnite abe Lincoln fortnite brrrap brrrap gang (GANG!) mickey dee’s mcgangbang burn that shit like Sherman man hit me up, got that fortnite plan
  19. Legend has it that if Ben Shapiro walks up to you and tries to start a debate all you have to do is say “okay, this is epic” and he’ll start melting
  20. No Zeni you’re making too much sense it’s all about mumbling over insane amounts of reverb and stuff now you have to not make any sense too basically drink more lean
  21. You don’t lose debates against Ben Shapiro he just talks louder than you and says “where it says socialism in duh constitution?” and his fanboys start jerking off
  22. Of course he would be
  23. Are you one of those people who puts edgy Punisher skills on everything?
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