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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. I like how they don’t understand normal stonk fluctuations and keep screeching about how going woke means you’ll go broke when that’s literally never happened meanwhile guess who bought AB stonk
  2. Time to be insufferable and annoying More annoying than I was last time I was here More insufferable than when I was still posting as star wolf and on a lot of xanax how are you freaks
  3. okay but if you fall for the pendulum meme that just means what they're reacting against will evolve into a stronger, more boot on throat ideology in response. Like some sort of rainbow dictator pops up I think that would be pretty funny honestly
  4. I'm back after a very long hiatus and ready to be pretentious about music again post hip hop this year you enjoy so far 38 spesh Meyhem Lauren/Madlib/DJ Muggs JPEGMAFIA/Danny Brown Larry June/The Alchemist
  5. Forums were dying before that 4chan and reddit are still doing fine though, one if which you name.
  6. Black MIDI is pretty good but why did they need to remind me Ed exists
  7. Wangan midnight
  8. Initial D and Wangan Midnight are already obvious and I like both for different reasons, but in the past year I’ve re-discovered my inner automotive enthusiast and want some anime aside from these. I guess manga works too. I already know about MF Ghost and Over Rev. So basically if there’s anything else which has a focus on cars, especially if they’re based on actual racing scenes, and you get bonus points if there are any existential themes or some shit
  9. If you are the common denominator then maybe it’s time to ask if you’re doing something wrong.
  10. Wow truly the master race
  11. Pop punk is old school punk now and we can’t do anything about it
  12. I’d dual Ghost and Poison. Obviously Gengar would be my main. also: Mimikyu Aegislash Alolan Muk Koffing Salazzle I’d have some secondaries I could toss in for all ghost theme or all poison theme too. Alolan Marowak, Mismagius, and Frosslass for ghosts. Vileplume, Toxapex, and Crobat for Poison. My whole gimmick would be something like a Hex Maniac but more eccentric in some way, like I’d hang out in punk squats in saffron city that were supposedly haunted because it covers both themes
  13. I’m happy for him. He’d wanted to stop doing the Frank thing for awhile
  15. “Military hottie, we live in a society, animals eat people!”
  16. How many times do they exclaim “no rust!” about the car you want the most?
  17. It’s the best way to do ketamine
  18. This is a boof checkpoint! Tell me the last thing you boofed!
  19. Sounds gay bro not a real gamer cause real gamers don’t force gay into the gamer lifestyle!
  20. My grandpa also peppers everything are you my grandpa
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