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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I didn't know he got into tech!
  2. I mean as long as we're posting hot cartoon rabbits...
  3. That's just Bucky O'Hare, man.
  4. Eat pizza whilst crying.
  5. These were both 1800s style trains. Both of them very touristy, one very much more than the other.
  6. I recall two train rides I've been on. One was essentially a tourist attraction and they even stopped the train for a wild west style "stage" show where there was a gang of bad guys who rode on the train to rob it and then a sheriff's posse who proceeded to arrest them. The other one was just a plain old train ride. I had to poop but wound up holding it because the bottom of the toilet just opened up to the tracks passing beneath us.
  7. I hate this picture so much. Everything is wrong. Why is the spaghetti not on a plate.
  8. Yeah, that can go fuck right off a bridge. I want the team that ported 7 and 8 to 3DS to update the whole series.
  9. I don't need another remake of 5, though! (yeah I do, actually) I'm still waiting on a remastered version of 1, 2, and 3, because I have the rest on DS/3DS. At this point they'd have to port to the Switch and I'd still have to upgrade, but that's how I'll nab 11 as well.
  10. So wait, which number is this one? I don't know Dai.
  11. Anyway it has finally slowed down and I've read the first two Oz books on Project Gutenberg. Thems is short simple books.
  12. I think whatever channel the TV was tuned to was having a 72 hours of Prada marathon.
  13. https://youtu.be/J3j8SJS3nBg
  14. The Devil Wears Prada has been on the TV in the break room every day the past three days while I'm on lunch. Fuck you, job. Fuck you, break room TV.
  15. Of course I'm not entitled, I just like boobs.
  16. I assure you that was entirely unintentional. I am smooth like sandpaper.
  17. Y'know they used to call me Big Jesus at my old job 😘
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