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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I thought you were gonna say that you dropped the screw in the tuna. So now I have no interest in this thread.
  2. It's theming. I suppose it's been long enough I could update from The Last Unicorn, though.
  3. I didn't understand at first and then I saw it and my reaction is the same.
  4. Hey @Neko it's that time again
  5. I read up through "The Prophet's Paradise" yesterday. That poem didn't really sit with me, but I've liked most of what I read. Also here is a link for anyone interested: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/8492/8492-h/8492-h.htm
  6. I concur.
  7. Has anyone read this thing? There was a creepypasta I listened to that brought it up. As stupid as the story was I looked the title up and found out it was an 1895 collection of short horror stories all involving this fictional two act play called "The King in Yellow." It's pretty good so far.
  8. That's a sensible science reason. I don't know if I have any allergies to caramel coloring, but it is the main difference between the sodas.
  9. But wouldn't you think the caffeine in a bottle of Mountain Dew is greater than the caffeine in a bottle of Pepsi?
  10. Someone science me up a reason.
  11. If I didn't have prior obligations that require me living, I would totz volunteer as a sacrifice. Preferably Joe vs. The Volcano style.
  12. Kids under 13 shouldn't even have youtube accounts. I'm pretty sure that's like one of the original account standards, like having to check the box to indicate you are at least 13 years old to have an account. After that, it's on the parents, not the creators. YouTube just plans on fucking over its entire platform, though. Because where's everyone gonna go, Vimeo? Pornhub?
  13. Update: still nothing. So far my experiment is proving my claim that the supernatural doesn't exist. Which, you know, shouldn't even be questioned. Edit: if anyone in this forum practices or knows someone who practices magic or witchcraft or anything, tell them I said they were a stupid piece of dung and that they don't have the sexual prowess to please someone of the gender they are attracted to. Then proceed to inform them I dared them to curse me with everything they can muster.
  14. Pick yourself up a copy of the DS version. The few extra missions are great and the cutscenes from the PS remake are in it.
  15. I mean it's an asshole move to dance on graves and playing up the racist stereotype. Respect the deceased. But otherwise the sentiment is the same. I need to get a ouija board so I can pee on it and invite all the evil spirits inside of it to fuck me up.
  16. Update: I woke up this morning a bit earlier than I would have liked to. Not feeling haunted nor have any unexplained phenomena occurred while I slept. Fucking cowardly ghosts/demons/shadow people.
  17. While we're on the subject of doppelgangers
  18. Wasn't thinking too hard, but I just kept casting Luminaire and Antipode Bomb 3. Lavos wound up taking down Crono in first form, but eventually went down. So I just decided to follow through with killing Inner Lavos and the Lavos Core. I really like this game. It's been too long since I've picked it up.
  19. Don't we have to wait for Neko for this?
  20. A precious food baby.
  21. That's what I'm saying. I know correlation does not mean causation, but after the poop I was just like "I'm freezing."
  22. I have no idea how the two events relate, but that's what happened.
  23. Spsh, what a shitty day. It's a total sausagefest.
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