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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Sometimes, the glass has got to shatter.
  2. I just really miss my dad.
  3. Dude you can't do that in the park. That's how you get put on the registry.
  4. San Antonio. I have traveled there several times to hang out with friends from asmb. It's just a big, fun city. Also this happened once.
  5. I think it was the other qunt from Colorado. The one who didn't graduate high school. Lauren Boebert, that's her name. She's the one who was tweeting the shit, anyway.
  6. I always preferred the fight between Casey Heynes and his bully. Like, just nails lil' shit with the Dominator and walks away. Someone needs to edit the clip so Brock Lesnar's theme starts after the bully kid punches him.
  7. KFC: That's right, lick your fingers slower. You nasty slut. Actually, I think that works as a slogan for all companies. Just have to change the first part a bit. McDonald's: That's right, eat those chicken nuggets you nasty slut. Toyota: That's right, shift that Camry into drive you nasty slut. Disney: That's right, consume whatever media we feed you because we own everything you nasty slut.
  8. Yup. They just take the pokeball and reset it to an earlier restore point.
  9. "Snake Eater" from Metal Gear Solid 3 is the best James Bond theme.
  10. Considering none of this is confirmed by canon, let's say yes. We can get meta and say that hackmons exist because programmers have figured out how to hack pokeballs and have created brand new creatures based on pokemon, making sure they've got the preferred stats for battling and such. It wouldn't take much to catch a pokemon, plug the ball into a computer, and rewrite the pokemon's DNA/program to understand sign language.
  11. In my headcanon, it's the pokeball. Wild pokemon don't know shit except how to survive in the wild, they're animals. But once they're captured in a pokeball, they're changed. Like, first the ball changes them from a full on living being into a hybrid of computer data and a physical entity. Once they're turned into data, it's easy to write to their DNA to make them understand speech as well as make them willing to follow commands.
  12. The movie I Love You, Man would have been better if Paul Rudd and Jason Segel got married at the end.
  13. I watch FoundFlix on YouTube. Guy recaps horror movies and is pretty entertaining. He's even gotten me interested in watching some of the movies he's covered, because I'm not typically good with the horror genre.
  14. The Dude, Walter, and Donny.
  15. Can't stop won't stop
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