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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Time changes a person. Plus Tom is always coming up with crazy new ideas, much like his toy making father. Maybe after a youth full of failed idea after failed idea, as well as constant bullying from his older cousin Angelica, Tom just went into a submissive space. He met Joy and just accepted her abuse, and moving to Jefferton and meeting a Mayor who was receptive to his ideas and innovations gave him the inspiration to keep working on them, even though they always turn out bad.
  2. Why didn't they just make a sequel series instead of a reboot. Stu would be a good Grampa, and Tommy Pickles would move to Jefferton. See that right there is a reference to Tom Goes to the Mayor where it's revealed that Tom's last name is Pickles and he took Joy's last name Peters when they got married, and thus my headcanon is that Tom Goes to the Mayor is a sequel to Rugrats.
  3. Like, thinking about it even more: the Tockles all surround the Tower of Lost Time, walking up the sides of the building. It's the biggest collection of Tockles in the entire game. The dark Tockle that is the soul of Calasmos attaches to the Luminary when he travels through time to catch a ride back so he can keep the Sword of Shadows from being created and thus keeping his body from getting destroyed by Mordegon. The Tockles of Tickington have all the books that tell the stories of Dragon Quest heroes of the past(?) and are responsible for their care. In the Post-post-game, there's a superboss called The End of Time (hey, there's a familiar name) that's just a gold colored Calasmos, and after his defeat he says he's the same as Calasmos, but good. So this makes me think: Tockles are responsible for keeping everything in time secure, and they can grow to giant size to threaten planets. Lavos travelled across galaxies, landed on the planet in Chrono Trigger, burrowed right on into the earth, and started draining it of energy, while simultaneously causing time to go nutzo and being at the very least somewhat responsible for time gates. Lavos was a rogue Tockle, and it probably wasn't even the first one to be released. The reason that we don't see Tockles in Chrono Trigger is because Lavos is far separated from its original form, like how modern animals don't really resemble their prehistoric counterparts. The Core still has the base DNA, but since then this Tockle sub-species has evolved into spiky death worm because it makes more sense for what it wants to accomplish. I don't know how to tie Nus into this, but I want to say they're related to Tockles as well. Mainly due to body shape and association with time gates. In conclusion: My brain needs to relax and stop thinking about things.
  4. So it wasn't Ted Woolsey who translated FFIV, but rather the phrase comes from the Japanese translators. Final Fantasy Wikia: The original English translation of Final Fantasy IV for the SNES is often misattributed to Ted Woolsey. Woolsey is known for his work translating Final Fantasy VI, where similar silly and nonsensical lines, such as "son of a submariner!", were used. However, the translation of Final Fantasy IV is credited to Kaoru Moriyama, K. Okahisa, and H. Takahashi. The word "spoony" means "enamored in a silly or sentimental way". Thus, Tellah's usage of the word to refer to Edward is apt at describing Edward's actual character, but the term is considered archaic, and Tellah's use of such a mild insult given his anger is unlikely. Tellah's impression of Edward up to this point was of a lout who manipulated his daughter, not of a somebody who is naive and blinded by their emotions. The limited size of the battle dialogue box likely influenced the translation.
  5. Spsh, like I'm invited to parties.
  6. That's Final Fantasy, man.
  7. The final boss Calasmos looks kinda like the humanoid form of Lavos. So I'm just gonna headcanon that Chrono Trigger is connected to the Dragon Quest universe.
  8. Was the AOL log out sound part of the album version of "All the Things She Said" by t.A.T.u, or was it just something that appeared in every version found on Limewire and other P2P services?
  9. Here is a song relevant to my current health status.
  10. You got me there.
  11. But why's he got nipple guards on the suit?
  12. Okay, me next.
  13. Felt cute, might feel sick and vomit again later.
  14. It's okay. I still have an irrational fear of animatronics based on a trip to Chuck E. Cheese as a kid.
  15. My story is the opposite, except it was Mickey Mouse. Some guy in a Mickey costume was at the mall when I was a kid and I marked out and told him that I watched all his cartoons.
  16. I'm glad you're finally onboard with the rest of the rational thinkers and realize that storming the Capitol wasn't a false-flag operation set up by Antifa, and now maybe you'll be able to see that a bunch of crazy racists were invoked into action by Don Jr., Rudy, and Don himself.
  17. They should've just used a real bloodhound in a trenchcoat.
  18. That's just heartbreaking.
  19. I was first thinking about replying with "Threw It On the Ground" because of the line "I'm not a part of this system," but then the "Man, I hate that guy" made me think of the wedding scene from Robin Hood: Men In Tights, so now I'm not sure which reference to go with. I've been defeated.
  20. Why's this bucket name not been banned yet? Like, what does bucket get out of coming back when he's BoS to begin with? What's his obsession with this board and the users here?
  21. Racism inherent in the system. Kimba vs. Darth Vader.
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