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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I am super lucky. The only negative side effects I felt from getting vaccinated was a bit of soreness at the injection site of Pfizer shot 2 the day after. I think it's my superpower.
  2. You're not wrong. I don't think there's any black people in Kentucky, tbh.
  3. So I found some reaction videos of people discovering that Andy Gibb was a white guy and I think this is an incredibly accurate answer.
  4. I prefer to think of it as a sacrifice to an ancient god.
  5. Yes. 2009 I resolved not to shave or get a haircut the entire year. I looked like sasquatch by the end but it was worth it. On a hot summer night, have you ever offered your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
  6. Can you really celebrate his birthday? Shoryuken.
  7. I'm leaning to the latter. Alternatively, it was a command for the titular white boy to keep playing the funky music for the rest of his life.
  9. The fun part of this thread to me is that I could just say what I ate too much of, but then I'd ruin the fun of everyone making random guesses as to what it was.
  10. Godzilla vs. Algodon is an underrated classic.
  11. I'm gonna look like a 1970s NFL player.
  12. Yeah, just gonna need those straight to my inbox from now on.
  13. Are you challenging me to a hair-off? Because I'm not cutting off my hair... again. Growing out a 70s shag and letting that be where it stays the rest of my life.
  14. Not to brag or anything, but my hair is so hella soft and fluffy that everyone should be jealous. Okay yeah I'm bragging a lot.
  15. Not just to school you on porn.
  16. ...that's just softcore porn. There's no genitals at all in softcore, and they try to link the sex scenes together with a narrative. I have a degree in Late 90s Late Night Cinemax.
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