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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Do kids still believe in Bloody Mary, or do they have new spooky rituals that they pass along at school? Like, I figure there's probably some kind of Slenderman summoning, but then again even he may be considered old hat at this point.
  2. The Coliseum Bar and Grill. Fun for the whole family, if the whole family likes cage fights while eating dinner.
  3. It's the Carly Simon paradox.
  5. Mamma Mia, here I go again. My my, back on my bullshit.
  6. I thought this thread was going to be about bardcore music. I mean I'm down with anything as long as it sounds good.
  7. Okay so I went on a spoiler tirade the day the movie came out because I was super hyped and man, lemme just say, this last one is the least bitch version of Shinji and it makes me glad.
  8. This is oddly inspiring. There we go.
  9. As a born Michigander, I'm right there with you.
  10. "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit is a really fun trash song and I enjoy it.
  11. No, but you did misname him. Mick Foley wrestled as Cactus (not Calico) Jack, Mankind, and Dude Love.
  12. That's Mick Foley. He is not my father, but he's pretty cool anyway.
  13. I went through some old ass pictures and felt like sharing.
  14. The bears don't even have to be smart, just smarter than the average ones.
  15. Hideaki Anno, creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion, is an original member of the adult swim message boards. My only evidence to support this theory is that he named the last movie Neon Genesis Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0, because all original asmbers know that there is no four.
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