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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Two weeks later and two years worth of semen later...
  2. Now that I'm up to the 1st palace, I feel like the English and Japanese voices are close enough to eachother that it isn't too jarring. My only issue is that I thought Ryuuji and Ann's sub voices didn't sound as angry or passionate as the dub voices were when Kamoshida and his shadow went into douche mode.
  3. Because no one else but Ubisoft could finally give Mario a gun.
  4. Chapinator_X

    Toy Story

    That's not flying, that's falling with style
  5. "HiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiii~" I'm starting on my 2nd playthrough of P5. Played it in English the first time, so I'm playing the New Game+ in Japanese this time around.
  6. No, it's not okay!
  7. I did a project on "Me! Me! Me!" for grad school. I think that's why the teacher gave me a B+ instead of something in the A range like other professors did.
  8. I think I liked Kurisu and Mayushii when I first watched Steins;Gate But Moeka was very spicy when she went berserk.
  9. Might as well give this folder some traffic by opening up about any collection hobbies we might have. I also noticed a thread like this on the last forum, so might as well bring it over. I've got a large stack of restaurant menus I collect. Since I was young, I made it a hobby to collect them, and create almost a library of all of the places I've eaten at. Whether they still exist or not adds to the mythos behind it, but it's a hobby I've always had a passion for. As a kid, I collected drink containers and soda cans, but I recycled them all around highschool.
  10. It's the end of an era that was already over
  11. Good thing that Arc Systems and Bamco are picking up the slack because Capcom's making mistake after mistake in the PS4One generation.
  12. Looks like Lebron brought his 75 cents to the game
  13. DMC4 or DmC for the Switch will be the next announcement
  14. Onion rings, but it's a tough choice because fries are amazing.
  15. Chapinator_X

    E3 2017

    It wasn't on my radar, but the ArcSystems DBZ fighting game looks pretty good. I hear that Dissidia Arcade will finally be on consoles, but it'll be disappointing if it's just the PSP cast with only a couple new guys.
  16. I've seen it, but I've been waiting for a good opportunity to shout right back at the void.
  17. Sounds expensive
  18. I miss the old Ichigo, straight from Karakurachō; Ichigo Chop up the soul Ichigo, set on his goals Ichigo I hate the new Ichigo, the bad mood Ichigo The always rude Ichigo, spaz around Uryuu Ichigo I miss the sweet Ichigo, pre-Soul Society Ichigo I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Ichigo See, Ichigo invented Ichigo, it wasn't any Ichigos And now I look and look around and there's so many Ichigos I used to love Ichigo, I used to love Ichigo I even had the Nice Vibe shirt, I thought I was Ichigo What if Ichigo made a light novel about Ichigo Called "I Miss The Old Ichigo"? Man, that'd be so Ichigo That's all it was Ichigo, we still love Ichigo And I love you like Ichigo loves Ichigo
  19. I remember that from years back. Haven't watched it, but I know people said it was very sad.
  20. I played the first chapter when that was free. It's a pretty decent alternative to the Telltale games without the licensed material. You'll just have to get adjusted to what the characters think is cool.
  21. It'll be another E3 of nothing.
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