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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Fap to cosplayers as an equalizer: 3D bodies, 2D waifus.
  2. When the music stops after the singer says "stop". Also, when they say "...tonight" at the end of a chorus.
  3. It has erotic saliva drinking :fap: You get to see her titties though it you Google it without safesearch.
  4. That's very sad, I enjoyed alot of Soundgarden and some Audioslave. He was just on some morning show a month ago playing an acoustic version of "Black Hole Sun". I wouldn't have thought he'd be gone this soon. He was one of the few 90's grunge vocalists I could say was a good singer.
  5. If The Beatles or The Stones sucked alot of dick, they would be The Who
  6. Beer in a can always tastes weaker and more diluted to me. Bottles or glasses are the way to go.
  7. Water, coffee, and tea
  8. Ah yes, Red Sonic. The one that actually makes good games
  9. The edgiest people are also uneven
  10. Daaaaaad, the bullies at school made fun of me again!
  11. Dance Power VI -era Sonic >>>>>>> All the other Sonics
  12. Vegeta is for lewds
  13. Only if the preferred method of going in the water is to be submerged in ice water and hope that your body gets adjusted to the temperature within the next minute or 10
  14. Is the second one shocking?
  15. Good to see they're learning from the success of Sonic Dreams Collection
  16. You can always listen to it in monotone, which is a trippy experience in itself
  17. Aw fuck, I cannot believe you have done this.
  18. Chapinator_X


    The bottle is molded so that it's impossible for the big marble to be a choking hazard. The problem, however, is that because there's no way to get the marble out, some people who want to have the marble like to break the glass to free it. Cashiers at my old mall used to be wary of this since kids would always smash them in the parking lots for the marble.
  19. Chapinator_X


    It's like Sprite, but with a marble that's trapped in the bottle. It's also the Champagne of Weeaboos
  20. Chapinator_X


    To complete the look, serve with a champagne glass of Ramune and use Pocky as chopsticks.
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