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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Is it treatable or is it one of those permanent ones that remain dormant until occasional flare ups occur?
  2. At this point, I think he's been into metal more than rap
  3. I think this has the most to do with it going unreleased. It's also why the JoJo translations in the States here have plenty of Shining Diamonds, Jean Pierre Eiffels, and Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Prices.
  4. The missing dubs of Shinchan http://lostmediaarchive.wikia.com/wiki/Shin_Chan_(Vitello_and_Phuuz_English_adaptations,_2002-2004) Also, the North American version of the JoJo Part 5 PS2 game
  5. How can the earth be round if our eyes aren't round?
  6. He could get very meta and room with the voice actors of Shake and Meatwad
  7. The Empire State Building
  8. Kuroko no Basket is your answer
  9. Chapinator_X


  10. That's where "poorly-made" comes in. It's a crappy movie, but it's not painful to watch. The things that make it crappy are what made it an unintentional comedy.
  11. She's actually a ghost who haunts the hallways, targeting students who possess an urge to avoid going home. She was the inspiration for a certain Bakemonogatari character
  12. What other pride could they have meant?
  13. Compared to alot of movies, The Room isn't that bad. It's watchable and likeable. It's just very poorly made and acted, but that's the charm of the film.
  14. Is Miku the Donald Glover character?
  15. I always empathized with this scene. He's pissed off, but is still able to pull off a pun around the word "vicious".
  16. Everything can be fixed with enough scotch tape
  17. No because that cat has done some pretty gay stuff
  18. Come and grab your friends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  19. Onii-chan has erectile dysfunction and has been doing this for hours.
  20. For every good thing that happens to me in this game, a thousand other shitty things happen alongside it. Can never get any new units because the RNG doesn't want to give you 5 star units and they have orb droughts that force you to buy them if you want to clear any of the advanced content. At the same time, I got two Ryomas, two Kageros, an Effie, and a bunny Camila for my troubles. It's easy to be pissed at this game even when it does get generous. It's a strange feeling.
  21. Agent 420, the most silent and stealthy Hitmon
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