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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Happy birthday! POST MOAR
  2. Yet another one for the fail thread.
  3. Happy birthday! And since you report eating so many of them in the dinner thread: And yes that is a cake.
  4. I'm sorry but I gotta call BS on a SoCal'er being a fan of any SF teams. That's like you being a Patriots fan.
  5. R.I.P. Let him in.
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Anyone know when more seasons are coming to Netflix? Currently it's only 1-3. I was seriously considering canceling my Netflix subscription until VB started appearing.
  8. I'm fb friends with the drummer from one of my favorite bands who happens to be both Jewish and a full blown trumptard. Somehow it got to the point that 95% of his posts are about politics instead of music. It's exhausting scrolling past his b.s.
  9. The ban is probably based on your IP address rather than your email.
  10. Maybe it's because everyone knows neither one of them are literally out to destroy democracy.
  11. I think I figured out why its not working for me. If I right click and select open in new tab it takes me to a "verifying if human" page and once it verifies then it loads in the new tab.
  12. So what are you saying.... buddy's the messiah?????
  13. Your's worked. Nam's worked for you?
  14. Broken image
  15. I wasn't 100% sure if you're still in the pharmacology field but I went with my gut.
  16. "What's the deal with homework? You're not working on your home."
  17. Didn't try to imply the mother was all in the right, just why the fuck are they assigning a month's worth of homework at a time now? What's the purpose other than to give kids like buddy an opportunity to goof off the whole month after a homework binge? Just seems stupid and what was the problem with assigning bits at a time like how it's basically always been done? What possible advantage could there be?
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