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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Yes, The Ides of July, you got it.
  2. It dawned on me that the word "seminal," as in, "Nirvana released their seminal album Nevermind in 1992," is probably rooted in the word "semen."
  3. Could be worse, seems like everything went well and they're just taking precautions now.
  4. *sheepishly raises hand* Ok, but um.... How does "cap" mean "shit'? I could've sworn I was a millennial, but apparently I'm a boomer.
  5. ...... I still don't know what that means.
  6. You said the same thing, I said the same thing. So what?
  7. Well that explains haypenny, but what's a straw penny?
  8. Not anymore, but I had a ton as a kid. Most of them are related to my real name, so I won't divulge those, but one that had nothing to do with my real name was Froggy. Someone thought I looked like Froggy from The Little Rascals.
  9. I don't even know what the hat means.
  10. Gen Z slang just hits different, iykyk.
  11. If that's a basket, then what are the tiny ones you hold with one hand?
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. Maybe this says something about me that I remember this clear as a bell: KN once confided in us that one time he tasted his own semen just because he was curious what it tasted like.
  14. Happy birthday, and thanks for keeping the lights on!
  15. Goddamn. I am under the impression that you and I are of similar ages, but I remember in high school it felt like I was the only one whose parents never divorced. A common question was "Do you live with your mom or your dad?" Like the question never presents the option that they're still together and I live with both under one roof. I'd answer the question that I live with both as they have never divorced, and the response was always them being surprised by that.
  16. This is probably my favorite scene from The Venture Bros.: P.S. sorry for low quality.
  17. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the poster boy for this. I recently started watching How I Met Your Mother on netflix, and I was enjoying it quite a bit for a while (and finally realized why NPH was so popular during this era), but good fucking god did it jump the shark around season 8. I am determined to get through the show just because I was so invested in it, but it's not easy anymore. This is just so bad.
  18. No one said you were a competent villain.
  19. I don't, but I still buy CDs.
  20. Love it. Love everything about it.
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