It's been ages, since We've heeded the call. And yet it persists. A constant chiding, reminding Ourself that We've grown up, that childish things belong behind Us, serve to quash the siren song into background noise, if only just. And yet it persists. Carrying with it the sinister admonition of believing one's own lies.
We know the darkness all too well. All the hidden nooks and veiled crannies, the dancing shadows, the none more black- everything that lies within... and everything that does not. Falling is easy when the pit has no bottom; opting for the emptiness leaves something to be desired. That's the opportunity cost, even if We can't lay a finger on what that something is.
We circle the gaping hole, wondering not whether Our resolve will last, but rather how long the climb up will be.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.