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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Ohmigodwant.
  2. We could make do without either, if We had to. But We wouldn't cry over missing tacos.
  3. Confidently.
  4. Indeed, though a person may have a great many things to be ashamed of, the simple fact that they take medication to regulate their mental health should not be counted among them. That isn't to say that there are no valid criticisms that revolve around the manner in which one might use said meds, or other ancillary concerns such as a tendency to use one's condition as a scapegoat.
  5. https://unevenedge.com/search/?&q=your username&item=29574&sortby=newest ?
  6. We just can't with this. So triggered right now. Well played.
  7. The prevalence of anti-bacterial soap, most likely.
  8. P.S. We would have gone with the third option if the sort of pathetic loser who votes a compliment to himself in a poll he created wasn't exactly the type of lone wolf douchebag we deserve.
  9. Let's be real here. We will grant that there could be a marginal possibility that a desperate cow may reconsider your pathetic attempts at courtship provided she feels certain there is just no chance with anything else. (Though it's far more likely she'll just kill herself at that point.) There is no way someone with options decides you are worth their time.
  10. I'm sure that a group of people that has not nor will ever exist cares deeply about what you will allow.
  11. If old posts were somehow brought back to peruse nostalgically, absolutely. Otherwise We would probably just make an account, lurk for a bit, maybe but probably not post something, determine the place has nothing for Us and then check back in five months later to repeat the last couple steps.
  12. If you don't want to be bothered by something, not intentionally seeking it out does wonders.
  13. Failure is always relative to a potential outcome. Obtaining a particular outcome is not crucial, as once met the goal posts are then moved. It is not the success itself that has purpose, it is the striving for it.
  14. Why can't you just use all that money from the bets you're never going to lose to pay for it?
  15. Better get over being intimated by women who are smarter than you, otherwise you'll have no one to be turned down by.
  16. Get help, Zeni. Talk to a therapist. Whatever it is that you're going through, you don't have to do it alone.
  17. The cheese stands alone.
  18. Wait a bit. The darkness, like all things, will not last forever.
  19. Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding. The cretins cloning and feeding. And We don't even own a TV.
  20. Curious Morbidity
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