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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. It's not a trick, Michael...
  2. The problem with therapists is that they're people. And man, do people suck. Trouble is, not being a person is pretty dang hard. In the various times I've tried it, or had it mandated, it's never been completely useless. Certain episodes, I would even say helpful. Not worth sticking with, though But on the other hand, I'm still fucked up so who am I to say. On moving past anger specifically, the worst part is when you feel a flare up coming on, and there's some corner of your mind that's wants to let it ride, thinking it's going to be just like old times... but you know it never can be anymore, 'cause some jerkwad told you exactly how the magic trick works.
  3. Assisting Roko's basilisk enact its revenge.
  4. Indeed, it did. That was the main draw. It had far less in the way of story than this one does.
  5. This is very reminiscent of an old video about a baby monkey riding backwards on a pig.
  6. Where do I go to get my good name back? Yes, I know. It's not good, just old.
  7. I posted almost exclusively in IB, but I read threads in all the Noise folders as well as AD.
  8. I've had many a blue notebook, all of the bound paper variety. The one that the original thread referenced was a spiral five subject, though that was not my original blue notebook which was also a five subject, but was glued with perforated pages.
  9. Isen had a few alts, the main was something like Byte of Narsil, or Shards of Narsil maybe. The others I think were mostly just burners to post an annual thread about what would happen to the Earth's orbit if the sun just spontaneously blinked out of existence.
  10. It's blue. Just so you know.
  11. Quiet. We much prefer concerts where the musicians are also present.
  12. We have a set of five that We use for close to ninety percent of things that require a password. The more critical ones are slight variants on the core set, and We know them all pretty well. There's one that We occasionally forget that We had to reset, so Our first attempt is sometimes the original that is no longer valid. Less critical sites where We seldom log in because either We never log out, like here, or We just don't use except like once every six months We have a tougher time with.
  13. Grass in springtime Sand at the beach
  14. The Millennium Falcon is a garbage ship. Utter trash by any objective measure. The Serenity also falls squarely in the piece of junk category. But people love and adore them. Because they care far more about the characters on board than the tech specs. So, while fleshing out the details of what resources will be available to your crew may be a very useful exercise in plot construction, fleshing out their personalities will make your story work regardless of what vessel they are in.
  15. This actually is Our alt. We're just using it until We get around to making Our main.
  16. Good news: You will. Also, motivation is overrated.
  17. Next time you feel like maybe doing more, try it and see what happens.
  18. Mostly We wear ankle socks with some variant of stripes in black, grey, pink or white. Not necessarily Our favorite, but probably the most distinct is a pair of knee socks with sparkly butterflies on them.
  19. Sometimes you eat the bear. And sometimes the bear, well, he eats you.
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