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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. As a frequent purchaser of non-received cheese, it would be of some benefit (the significance of which is debatable) for a decision in favor of the plaintiffs. Sadly, We don't find much grounds for their claims of anti-competitive behavior though.
  2. Mhmm. You're the kind of prick that fancies the prequels because they have a "better story", aren't you?
  3. Societies that function in singular fashion have no place for a catwalk. Ants are interesting to watch for only so long. Peace is boring. Peace is sterile. Peace is death. As a denizen of Earth, it is very hard not to extrapolate our view of life and its various interactions to the wider realm beyond. It is also very foolish. Civilizations that began in systems different from ours will grow and behave different from ours. But without examples all we have is speculation.
  4. Pretty sure none of us care about excitement. We're hoping for something more tangible to be there.
  5. Internet quipsters tend to be assholes. That a portion of those assholes are atheists should not be surprising.
  6. It's kind of annoying that in a world where information is so freely accessible, trivia is being equated with higher education. The whole narrative that college is a general requirement really needs to die.
  7. Well done. While initially We somewhat felt your joke was not very funny, after that tedious explanation demolished any possibility that humor could be derived We are quite certain that it is not at all. Bravo.
  8. In Our completely non-professional opinion, no. You'll be fine, hon.
  9. Just because you have less retention than a gold fish with down syndrome doesn't mean We need to treat everyone else like a blathering idiot. Trust Us, when you need health advice, We will be extremely sparse with Our words.
  10. Where We come from, they call it the buddy system.
  11. Just keep pressure on it till it stops bleeding, then clean the area and put a bandage over it. After that you can freak the fuck out or whatever, but We usually skip that step.
  12. Yeah... Not really the point she was making by saying "I wish you were dead."
  13. Is that what you think those words mean? That would explain a lot.
  14. Kay. What term would you prefer be applied to your utter uselessness?
  15. Didn't realize that when you said boyfriend what you meant was cuckold.
  16. Sure you will. Because the world is just full of girls that, when asking you to pick up something from the store, are keen on instead getting a story about how you're too poor to afford it, too incompetent to steal it without getting caught, and too chicken to do anything but run away when confronted- knowing full well that you never even went there in the first place. Total bf material right there.
  17. Look, if you want to give your friend a handjob that much, just get on with it. Nobody cares about how awesome you think he is.
  18. We tend not to announce Our stealth maneuvers. Seems kind of counter-productive.
  19. Ours is solid black. Has been since Our old laptop died, and We just figured We'd set it to something later since We didn't want to mess with it at the time. That was over two years ago. Yeesh.
  20. Kids are just people that haven't gotten tall. The fact that some are total assholes has very little to do with their age.
  21. Pretty sure the secret is tiger blood. And you're asking us because you've got nowhere else to go.
  22. Awww, how precious. You think there's a chance this one might work out. Good for you.
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