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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. 1. We have a Chase Unlimited, and We're not crazy about the reward structure. Never had a problem with service, though. 2. If it's something you might buy in the future, may as well get it now at a reduced cost. 3. Can't you book your hotels and such now, but get flight tickets later, optimizing price for both? Side note: Technically, no. But concern about using plural pronouns when referring to singular entities is highly overrated.
  2. We're sorry that you feel that way in a zeni thread.
  3. https://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/papasmurf It's interesting how (relatively) current events give new perspective to history.
  4. Why's that?
  5. The old ways are over. We follow them no longer. ...We could maybe make an exception for fire.
  6. Priorities. Time and energy spent on that would have been time and energy not spent on Dinosaur Park Tycoon. It could be noted, however, that Peter Thiel has taken an interest in the seasteading movement. This does little to shake the primary image the general populace has of this concept that it's basically an attempt at legitimizing off-shore tax havens. Also the secondary image is Waterworld.
  7. If We don't think it's funny... Does that mean We're allowed?
  8. How oedipal.
  9. Nobody's perfect. Sometimes you fall on the wagon. It happens, and you just have to get back off it.
  10. No such luck. This is something you have to work out on your own.
  11. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/turtle-soup-recipe2-1943824
  12. Become a master of origami.
  13. If We wanted to kill it, We would just squash it and go about Our business. It just looks rather serene, and We don't want to bother it.
  14. Guess We're not doing dishes tonight.
  15. We watched a hawk eat a mouse once when We were in grade school. It split the thing open by holding it in its beak and smashing it against a rock. Then it sort of pulled strings of it out like spaghetti, bit by bit. Hawks are super cool.
  16. You poor thing. But on the upside, it could be worse. You could have meant it.
  17. Never. We're not big on saying things that aren't either words or fart noises. We suppose there's a case to be made that this falls under the later.
  18. Emily Grierson and Homer Baron
  19. People mistaking you for a wizard and then getting pissed at you when you can't do magic?
  20. That's the best he's got? We believe it.
  21. Oh please. Incels don't have feelings that need to be considered because they aren't actually people. Obviously they just haven't been belittled enough yet to make them accept their place.
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