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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Stop. Just stop. You're wrong. You were in the wrong to begin with. You got pissy because someone let you know you were in the wrong, and then took pride in a pathetic, passive-aggressive revenge attempt. No one cares what minor annoyance you felt about someone expressing the annoyance you first caused them. You are not a victim. What you are is spiteful and petty, and when people call you on it, you get pissy about that too. Grow the fuck up, stop being a hypocrite, and learn what respect actually means, asshole.
  2. If getting your money was done simply, how come you didn't have it ready by the time you were at the window? But that's hardly what makes you an asshole.
  3. People should be treated with dignity and respect on virtue of their humanity alone. That you are making a transaction is irrelevant; the fact that the thing of value you are offering is currency whereas the thing of value you are receiving is not in no way lessens your obligation to not be an asshole.
  4. Weddings are basically funerals.
  5. The short answer is that if they had, everyone would know. However, one must define what a real ghost is. There are countless accounts of people experiencing unexplained, and perhaps in some cases unexplainable, phenomenon. One can, if one so wishes, employ a "ghost of the gaps" line of thinking, and easily conclude that yes indeed, people have encountered the supernatural. But such an argument, in Our view, is tawdry, and cheapens the splendor of natural and supernatural, both.
  6. We're Mary Poppins, y'all.
  7. Flag it as hate speech or an ISIS recruitment video, with a cadre of sock puppets. If no one has access to it, then they won't ask for a manual review.
  8. Ditto what fuggs said, preemptively.
  9. Ah, to be young and recklessly gaze long into an abyss.
  10. Kay. Here's one We just came up with: Get someone to tell you their own idea, and then take credit for it.
  11. Not in the first three seconds, so it doesn't count. Besides, you think outrage mobs care about inconvenient details? That's cute. The frustration precedes the event, and is just waiting for a trigger that's close enough to unleash.
  12. Surprised it stopped playing Girls X Battle long enough to look at you.
  13. Most of the anger is not about the content of the ad, in and of itself. It's about the larger narrative that fails to acknowledge any positive aspects of masculinity. We suspect many people that have a strong dislike of it did not come across it organically, but were introduced to it by someone else, billing it as controversial, thus primed for a negative reaction. There may also be some resentment, a much smaller proportion though, about morals being handed down by a corporation- key word being "down".
  14. Maybe, maybe not. After all, she was only ever in the parking lot, and never crossed over the threshold.
  15. Giant hamster or tiny rhino?
  16. Hmm. You raise a good point, that strongly supports your initial claim. We'll have to think about that for a bit.
  17. We always liked the page that had the skinless and skeletal version of the animals.
  18. Time, in the hours and minutes sense, is a social construct. It has no effect on the nutritional properties of a given substance.
  19. It's Steal the Bacon, only with no bacon. Granted, there's more involved than just that, but We lost interest at the no bacon part.
  20. You're dodging the question. But unless said video is ever produced as evidence to the contrary, we can all infer that the answer is a resounding "no."
  21. No. Of course not. Ha. Ha ha. Why would you think that?
  22. It doesn't take nearly as much fluid for one to drown as is usually supposed. It can be done in a puddle only a quarter inch deep or so. Still though, by Our reckoning, it will take about seventy rats a whole day to produce that much feces. Obviously less rats would be needed for longer time spans, but We don't recommend more than three days, as the stool is going to harden, making it less useful for the given purpose. Additionally, sick rats will provide better yield.
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