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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Once a day. Sometimes twice if We don't skip breakfast.
  2. Or we could just die out. Is that really such a bad thing?
  3. Normal people aren't a thing. To the extent that they are, they don't know about UEMB. To the extent that they do, nobody cares. Posting in Rants is not going to cost you a job opportunity. (But we are the bad guys. Totes.)
  4. So just mark everything as read. It's not as though you'll have missed out on anything truly significant.
  5. Please. You're so full of shit. We get that outlandish lying is a big part of your gimmick, but do you really think that anyone is going to believe for one second that you have any friends?
  6. Ravenclaw is best house. It's weird though, because the lineup is exactly what @SorceressPol said, but growing up We always gravitated towards Raphael.
  7. We've been kicking around the idea of doing a sketch of them at Hogwarts for a while now, because of how perfectly their personalities line up with the four houses. Haven't quite nailed down how to convey who is who though without traditional weapons and coloring though. But mostly just delaying having to get the old book off the shelf because We don't want to address the copious amounts of dust-shaped neglect it has accumulated.
  8. We are the world, we are the children.
  9. Basically what Doom said. Definitely buy it in person. For an amp, you can generally find a decent quality one from a top line brand that is small and simple for roughly the same cost as off-brand crap so look out for that. If you go to a Guitar Center, expect to be talked-down to. Since you plan on taking lessons, maybe try to talk to one of the teachers there, as they'll probably be able to give direction regarding local shops.
  10. What are we, if not slaves to this torment?
  11. How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail?
  12. The cam mechanism in clicker pens.
  13. There, there. Eventually you'll be secure enough to pretend that your imaginary girlfriend likes you back.
  14. Don't hang on. Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky. It slips away...
  15. You kind of need to pull a Thoreau and leave civilization for a while so that you get any sort of appreciation for life.
  16. Depending on how loose you want to get with your definition of job, when We were very little Our grandmother would pay Us to clear sticks out of her driveway at a rate of 5¢ per twig. We had a paid internship in college with a $12.00/hr wage that didn't pan out when We graduated, so We got a gig delivering for Pizza Hut at $7.00/hr plus tips.
  17. It's probably just a perception thing where You remember hearing about the instances of female transgression more sharply because it defies your expectations. It could also be that the news presents it with greater fanfare because it's an inversion of the norm and that contributes to making it stick in your memory. Though it certainly is possible that, the vast majority of reports you hear being local, your regional area is in fact statistically anomalous with regards to the balance. We are less inclined to believe this, but aren't interested enough to research further for a definitive answer.
  18. Threaten to flood the forum with guro porn. Though that may only work if you have established a history of being a little bitch, but We think you've basically got that covered.
  19. https://www.howtopronounce.com/spanish/jaornsher/
  20. Imagine a boot stamping on a human face- forever.
  21. Eh. We have a history of people not knowing how to pronounce the various names We've gone by. We'd be more surprised if they got it right. But really, We'd be most surprised that they'd even mention Us at all. Adamn_Rapertot.
  22. Still a no.
  23. Then you didn't actually have the talk. Grats.
  24. Well that's interesting... Apparently We're married.
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