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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. That soft "no..." as he passes out the third time always gets me.
  3. I was chubby in high school, but then again my daily calorie intake back then was nearly 4,000. I was a state level soccer player, though, so I more or less stayed the same weight. We have to do Wellness Screenings every year at work, so I went and fished that out for ya. I was listed as "optimal" or "healthy" in the following: Cholesterol/HDL Ratio; Total Cholesterol; Waist Circumfrence; Blood Pressure; BMI; Glucose. The only thing I didn't pass was Triglycerides, but they were at 169, and the normal level is 150 or lower. Beyond that I have no idea why my body is like this. I mean, I don't chow down like crazy very often anymore, so there's that. Cheat meals, brah.
  4. In the few of these I've seen, the guy normally faints for a moment.
  5. Last time I ate there, few months ago, I got two Munchy Meals and two burgers. Knocked that out quick, fast, and in a hurry. Some of my guy friends would thrown down and eat 4 or 5 Meals at a time.
  6. That's it? Just one Munchy Meal?
  7. We make 6-20 a day at work, depending on the day.
  8. I wrote this for one of my stories a couple years ago, and it captures my views on dying. "When you finally meet your demise, will you be dragged by the reaper himself, as you kick and scream and cling to your existence or will you stand tall, push past the angel of death, and lead the way yourself?" After a lot of the things I've been through, I feel more like the person leading versus the person clinging when it comes to death. That being said, I have a weird relationship with my demise. I tried to take my own life on two occasions but was stopped each time. But on the flipside, when I was struck by a car from behind while I was on the sidewalk and thrown into the road, skidding and rolling 10 feet or so, I just hopped back up like nothing happened. Went to see a doctor shortly after and apparently I'm a Tank (always saw myself as Support or DPS, but hey).
  9. Prime rib.
  10. I can't really say whether or not these are good learning tools, but they have been helping me teach myself. They come with audio CDs, as well, so it helps with pronunciation. Although, I do sometimes find myself hitting up some of the Japanese language YouTubers to give me a second opinion, if you will.
  11. Onion rings, for sure. I get that crunchy seasoned breading and those soft yet slightly firm slices of onion. I'd be hard pressed to think of any bad onion rings I've ever eaten (save for some burnt ones), but I've had loads of bad fries and tots. Albeit, I have had plenty of delicious fries and tots, all the same.
  12. I get that way sometimes, as well. Sometimes you just want greasy goodness. Used to grab two hot dogs from 7/11 on the way home from time to time but it was a waste of money.
  13. GunStarHero


    Instructions unclear. Currently have face full of weens. Send help.
  14. GunStarHero

    E3 2017

    I keep seeing people freaking out about the 3v3 DBZ Fighter Z matches. Not knocking it, but even ignoring stuff like MvC, even DBZ has done that system before in its games with Dragonball Z Legends back in the 90s. May rent Fighter Z at some point, regardless.
  15. GunStarHero


    How much for the tapes?
  16. I got into it by proxy of my friends being big fans. Matter of fact, with the exception of the ones that died, all of those friends are still big into the scene. I drift in and out nowadays, but it's still around in a way. Planning on naming my dog Kimura, actually, when I get her later this year.
  17. I'm a casual fan if that does anything for you. Used to be more invested when Megumi Fuji was fighting, though.
  18. I call dibs on the yard!
  19. I pulled a quintuple shift once. Never again. Agreed to it because I was supposed to get a bunch of OT but they wound up taking me off the schedule the following two days so it just evened out. Bleh.
  20. Is there a waiting shit list or can I just skip that and go straight to the shit list?
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