I wrote this for one of my stories a couple years ago, and it captures my views on dying.
"When you finally meet your demise, will you be dragged by the reaper himself, as you kick and scream and cling to your existence or will you stand tall, push past the angel of death, and lead the way yourself?"
After a lot of the things I've been through, I feel more like the person leading versus the person clinging when it comes to death. That being said, I have a weird relationship with my demise. I tried to take my own life on two occasions but was stopped each time. But on the flipside, when I was struck by a car from behind while I was on the sidewalk and thrown into the road, skidding and rolling 10 feet or so, I just hopped back up like nothing happened. Went to see a doctor shortly after and apparently I'm a Tank (always saw myself as Support or DPS, but hey).