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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Take a big spoonful of creamy peanut butter and gulp it down in one go. Works for me every time.
  2. Ain't gettin' Zeni'd. No siree.
  3. Oh, no, you ain't doin' a me run for the bamboozalin. No sir.
  4. I almost never saw you on PSN. When I was on last week I saw Heshi and Docto, though.
  5. Didn't see a general art posting thread, and while I normally don't make threads, uh..well...here ya go. Some of the art I've done. 2013 - Digital Painting 2010 - Acrylic Painting 2013 - In Progress Digital Painting 2012 - Mixed Media and Digital Painting 2013 - Digital Painting 2012 - Digital Painting
  6. Uhhh they play together nearly every night on Xbox?
  7. Shit the fuck did you just fucking shit about shit, you shit bitch shit? Shit'll have shit know that shit graduated top of my class in Shit 3, and shit've been involved in shit Shit tutoring sessions, and shit have over shit perfect test scores. Shit am trained in shit, and shit is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Shit are nothing to shit but just another weeaboo. Shit will shit shit the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has neber meen shit'd before on this continent, mark shit fucking words. Shit thinks that shit can get away with shitting that shit to shit over the intaaneto? Shit again, fucker. As we shit, shit am contacting shit secret netto of otakus accross the USA, and shit IP is being traced right now so you better shit for the shit, shit. The shit that shit's the pathetic shit thing shit calls shit life. You're fucking shit'd, shitto.
  8. I'm one of the two chefs de partie at my casino and I was offered the promotion to sous chef. I declined because the increase in pay was negligible and because of the duties involved for such a menial raise. It was also not a traditional sous chef position and I would be more of a manager that would also cook. Our executive chef is kinda...uppity, and for no reason. So all of this has made me decide to stay put. I also bare in mind that there's a reason the position was open in the first place. And it was open before I even started my job there 8 months ago. Just use your judgment . Don't ruin a good thing, blah blah blah.
  9. Some kind of terrible screaming fox that needs, no, demands attention.
  10. Apparently there are lots of those out here, but I haven't been to any, so what else can I say except that...
  11. I have a black pepper allergy, and let me tell you...
  12. Mine's more of a "wow, have you thought about how much of a piece of shit you are?" kinda thing.
  13. Despite my mother being a globetrotting whore, as far as I can tell, the first people on either side of the family to immigrate here were my great-great-great-great-great grandparents on my father's side. They came over from Scotland. No clue about my mother's side.
  14. More of a WTF story but this happened not too long ago. Slow day at work, only a few customers in at the time. This guy comes in, by himself, and just walks by the register and starts helping himself to food. He orders some burgers and fries from the grill and walks over to the seafood hot bar and grabs a single shrimp, eats it and flicks the tail behind the line. A waiter checks on him and refill his drink, sees he doesn't have one and tells management he doesn't have a drink nor ticket. Instead of kicking him out, he is told to pay and he begrudgingly complies. Then he starts acting really weird and is disturbing the customers and waiters so we call security in. (I missed this particular part of the incident.) First guard says the guy is on something, so then the K9 unit is called in. Now the first guard, K9 officer, and this weird dude are trying to talk it out. Evidently this was the perfect opportunity for our hero to pull out some little cards from his wallet, claim that he is with ISIS and is currently recruiting. He was promptly thrown out.
  15. GunStarHero


    It's actually an ornament. ORDER YOURS TODAY! https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?tag=americaninven-20&ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=garden&keywords=mermen%20ornaments&linkCode=ur2&
  16. GunStarHero


    So like, was Meowth a chick or what's up?
  17. GunStarHero


    Prepare for trouble, AND MAKE IT DOUBLE! Quickly, to the futanari files!
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