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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. JFC, dude... This fuckin' thread.
  2. There's a new-ish system Blizzard added to WoW (unsure about other games) where you can exchange gold for WoW Time Tokens. It was their compromise for "Free-to-Play," while removing copious amounts of gold from the in-game economy. Thing is, the market is somewhat regulated by Blizzard but at the end of the day the playerbase has control of the prices. Long story short, you exchange your gold at the auction house for a token at whatever price it is currently available at, and said tokens can be changed into either game time for WoW (1 month) or the equivalent ($15) in Battle.net cash, which allows you to purchase things from the Battle.net shop, including other games. Destiny 2 will be launched on Battle.net, since it's Activision's launcher, of sorts, and bungie and Blizzard are buddies. So yea, you can use the money from exchanging your gold to buy Destiny 2.
  3. Congrats! Lining things up to get a house in August, myself.
  4. Considering getting this for Xbox One. I do like the option to buy it on battle.net for PC, though. Means I can play WoW and gather up a few hundred thousand gold while I just continue playing normally and trade in my gold for Destiny 2.
  5. No, but I'm sure you would and have already filled an entire sketchbook with pictures of it.
  6. It's like 100 degrees outside so I'm just chillin' in my panties.
  7. Just some tacos with seasoned ground beef, American style scrambled eggs, smoked gouda and colby jack cheeses. Possibly some sour cream in the mix. And then a small batch of breaded shrimp covered in honey.
  8. Why don't you And come watch some with me? Also I have Mortal Kombat.
  9. So this is where I die, huh?
  10. I used to be a really big fan of Naruto. And then I turned 14.
  11. True or False: "Your Body is a Wonderland" was written for a guy.
  13. I've been single since 2006 and otherwise haven't done anything sexual since 2012. GUESS I'M THE ONE FOR ME AYYYYY ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  14. I have 10 CRT TVs for LAN parties, and one is hooked up to my VCR/DVD combo player. Don't have many VHS tapes nowadays, though. Mostly old martial arts movies and Pokemon tapes.
  15. GunStarHero


  16. That's not so much a happy face as it is a feigned attempt to show I'm ok when I'm breaking apart from the inside.
  17. ::]:: ::: :fap: ::]::
  18. GunStarHero


  19. I actually only wash my face using warm water and my bare hands.
  20. I had my wages garnished for a short time because of my student loans despite the fact I was consistently paying on them. They even seized the entirety of my tax return last year. Totally legal and hardly worth fighting. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AMERICA
  21. I would say it was moreso you talking at us the whole time.
  22. GunStarHero


    Who said you could talk to me?
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