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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. GunStarHero


    Please don't kill my vibe. I just got this thing.
  2. Really opening Pandora's Box on this one. But you asked for it. Melting. As in, during sex, one or more people literally melt and fucking die. That's my shit.
  3. Ostensibly when I was a kid and put my faith in my parents always being right. DADDY ISSUES HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Oh ja, and I was a big enough lesbo for my dear old father to try to send me to a conversion camp. Good times.
  5. It's ok, mochi, for I am the gayest of them all. Most gay? Supreme Lord of the Silverback Bears and Cubs? Hm. Questions for later.
  6. Whatever you want, champ. This will work even less with the ladies. Maybe Chase the hedgehog can assist you further.
  7. Well, Zeni, if nothing else it sounds like you have the power (and polarizing personality) to bring the gang (bang) together.
  8. Invest in one of these so the ladies know what's up. (Also available in white.)
  9. GunStarHero


    My mom used to own a toy like this. Thought you should know.
  10. Can't I just perish?
  11. It's also really expensive to use enough olive oil to actually cook something like that with. I've done it before, but it was with day old fried chicken, with the old breading removed and replaced with panko. Not bad, though.
  12. Best of luck getting another job as quickly as you need to.
  13. GunStarHero

    new smileys

    Look, I willing gave you them to add the website so other's could use and enjoy them. No need to be a dick. I didn't even make most of them. These are from the catalogue of user-made emoticons on the old Playstation forums.
  14. GunStarHero

    new smileys

    Not even a mention, eh? Ok then.
  15. I imagine this is the expression of everyone involved in this, every time they post.
  16. I'm trying to determine whether or not I should rewatch Hikaru no Go again. Dat ending doh.
  17. Last time I was in there, no one got naked while I was present, but there was a very sullen, insistent mochi begging Rogue to get naked for him. Nudity doesn't particularly bother me, it's me being invited to come chat and I just gotta accept that A.) no one is actually going to chat with me and B.) The Jimmies are loose. Not exactly what I like doing with my free time. Would rather do something else.
  18. I'm colorblind but one of the colors I can see is red, so it became my favorite almost by default.
  19. I don't join TC anymore because the last few times I did, I was invited to come chat and instead got dude wang dangling on my screen. And if there were no cockles being oogled, someone would be whining/begging for some. What people are into is their business, not mine, but I don't like be asked to join a room to chat only to catch a face full of bro meat helicoptering around on camera.
  20. Just throwing this out there, but you can get a free trial to try it yourself. Said trial is only a week long but that should be plenty of time to figure it out and see what they offer. Every service has their pros and cons, though, and none of them offer everything. Well, nothing legal, anyways. Check out the PS Vue trial and see if they offer you anything.
  21. Saucy? Saucy. Saucy saucy saucy.
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