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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Though this is likely not what people expected when I mentioned "animations" but here are some test animations I made back in college for my super villain story.
  2. I respect that and by no means do I want new generations to be beaten just because I was. I'm happy they have a safer environment overall. But I feel very strongly about some of them, admittedly the vocal minority at large, and how they are taking things for granted. Would be happy to continue this discussion one on one if you'd like.
  3. Remind me later on tonight and I'll fish up some test animations from my super villain story. Will post them in my art thread.
  4. That didn't stop One Punch Man from being made. Look into it, seriously. Its crazy.
  5. Don't know if this helps, but I once tried to a novelization of a story I had written with the intent of being animated. The change in script style alone threw me off quite badly because things like graphic novels and animation have very different styles when it comes to writing. I don't know if this guy wants you to write that kinda script for him or if he wants novel-style pieces, but look into it. Really helps the creative process and cuts back fluff.
  6. That's more likely to happen sooner, rather than later. That kinda thinking doesn't do well after people graduate college. It's mostly a bunch of whiny little shits in their teens/20s that don't understand how far the LGBTQ scene has come in recent years. They don't know how good they have it.
  7. I think we all know who's responsible for this.
  8. I know a good bit about selling older video games if you need help. But would I recommend looking into the markets you're trying to sell in. If you don't care about how much you get back then do whatever. If you want a quick sale, use a local listing service. You're more likely to get more money from this but be prepared to negotiate. If you want to try your luck on a place like eBay you'll need a competitive price otherwise you're just another blip on the many pages of similar products, (save for rare items, obviously). You can also list it on eBay for cheap and you'll probably get a buyer immediately. And take good pictures.
  9. Same. I mean, I enjoyed Bible Black, but it's not that crazy. Shit, I watched an older one yesterday called Beat Angel Escalayer. Final scene was like the main villain just kicked everyone's ass, then, with her giant claw hand, pinned the heroine to a slab of rock in the rubble of a building that was leveled. Then ole girl whips out a 3 foot dick and just goes to town of the hero chick. Then she just kinda rips her heart out during the whole thing. That was rad. But also not that crazy, either.
  10. "Cynical!?" How dare you! I'll have you know that I am also jaded, pessimistic, pretentious, a most massive cunt, and above all else: petty.
  11. Not sure if this adds to the discussion, but anecdotally... I've been a chef for a few years now, which means being a manager or at least a supervisor in addition to the food stuff. I can take a step back and compose myself to be a leader and take care of business while still being someone my crew likes to be around. Respect has to go both ways for it to really work. That being said, I recognize that I am only behaving like that because I am being paid to do so, which is why I personally have never been interested in being an admin or mod for a forum/community. I'd never trust myself to deal with things on a forum because I would eventually, and sooner rather than later, make a bad call just because I felt like it. I think it's important to make that distinction. Just because I have the professional capacity to do it, doesn't mean I can just do it in all facets of life. Some people can be good admins/mods and some can't, regardless of other factors or experiences. Sometimes being too close to a situation can compromise things, as well, I think.
  12. Uhh if I recall correctly, it was Halo 2, Halo 3, CoD4, and something else. Possibly a PC game.
  13. We used to talk a lot when we were in high school. Had each other on YIM and Xbox Live.
  14. This is my favorite thing you've ever said. <3
  15. Futanari?
  16. Whatever you say, sport. I mean, you are the Photoshop expert, right? 10+ years, yea? Really shows. What do I know about your UNHOLY EDITING TALENT?
  17. Hey Grandmaster Pillsbury Fuckboy, Lord Emperor and God of the Internet Itself: fix your fucking icon. It looks like you used the spray paint tool in MS Paint on the edges. Matter of fact, here's your source material so you can do that shit again.
  18. My dad got that done when he was in his 50s. Guess I disappointed him so much that he couldn't bare the thought of another me out there. But it's all good cause I am the lone progeny on that side of my family. The few cousins I have are adopted, so I'm the only one that can carry on the bloodline. And baby, it's going down with my ship. No mas.
  19. Maybe I liked boiled bootyhole on a Triscuit! Ever think about that?
  20. I'll throw down on some crazy bread, but for the pizza I can't stand the Hot and Ready ones. Their deep dish is decent for the price, so I used to get that lunch special with the personal deep dish and a drink. I do admit I used to eat there a lot when I was fresh out of college. I'd come in late and ask what they had left and what they didn't want to take home themselves and I usually got a deal like 5 crazy breads, 2 pizzas, and some Italian cheese bread for about $15 or so. Don't know why you dislike Domino's or Pizza Hut, though. They're decent, too, for big chains. Love Pizza Hut's marinara sauce.
  21. Working all day today, but I have a generous break time so it's all good. Tomorrow I'm submitting a concept script for one of my stories to a writing group. Hopefully it will yield a productive critique. Then I will probably edit a little video for a personal project while I marathon some classic anime.
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