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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Despite having all necessary ingredients at the ready, too lazy to make pizza. Order pizza. Too lazy to get up, scoot chair to door to answer. Pay tip with card cause I'm too lazy to grab wallet and get cash. Scoot back to computer with pizza in hand. Eat a few slices. Scoot into kitchen to put leftovers in fridge. Box won't fit. UGGGGGH. Foil and tupperware in top shelf. Screw it. Scoot back to computer and gnaw at pizza for the rest of the night.
  2. Supernova was strawberry and Revolution was mixed berry with ginseng.
  3. Voltage is ok, but I liked the other flavors it was up against and ultimately beat out. One of them is called Supernova and it shows up from time to time, though often only in the diet variety for some reason. The other one was Revolution, and it was the best Mountain Dew flavor ever, IMO.
  4. You know, I've been considering doing a little faux-adult swim after I move into the new place. Was gonna take the classic line-ups and even [as] commercials and edit them together to resemble the old broadcasts just for shits and giggles.
  5. We won't hear cause that shit is garbage.
  6. I worked up the courage to go on some dates earlier this year. First time since 2014 (and before that I had never been on one). The recent dates were...pretty bad. Went on three in total, with three different guys. Tried to add a girl to the mix but they fuckin' play too much.
  7. It can be hard to hunt them down, but I'm super interested in finding martial arts movies that never made it past VHS. It's crazy to think just how many crappy movies got made in the span of 4 decades. Even prolific directors of bad films, like Godfrey Ho, don't actually know how many movies they made. He's gone on record as saying he and his team would make a new movie almost every week for years, and by the time a movie got out to some local discount theater, they'd have made 2 more movies already. Someone interviewed him years ago about one of his movies and he had no idea it was his until he saw his name on the box.
  8. My pillow does my hair. But on a more serious note, I just kinda bounce around. Last time I went to the Sports Clips down the street. Only $15 and the girl did a pretty good job.
  9. You can exclusively persuade people that Pepsi is better than Coca-Cola. I want perfect accuracy.
  10. You control plants but now have to deal with their perpetual whining about vegetarians. Good luck against the zombies! I want the power to just make people shit themselves at my behest.
  11. For me, even though the vast majority of customers are fine or do nothing of note, for better or worse, it's the customer interaction that I hate the most about my job. A lot of the bad ones just kinda come and go in my mind, and I forget about them by the time I'm home. But some of them are overachievers in the wrong direction and excel at being pieces of shit. I swear we don't run restaurants in the casino, just one-sided rage cages where people pay to bitch at us.
  12. Passing through matter requires you to heavily lube the entry point. I wanna be a fire mage, yo.
  13. Anything beyond 2 days is just awful, IMO. Once you hit that wall and you just kinda...exist. Just super sluggish and zombie-esque. Also sleep paralysis sucks.
  14. The lasers are only harmful to you. Also they attract kitties! Time travel!
  15. Had it happen a couple times, but I don't think it meant anything. First time was because, at some point in the night I guess I fell off the bed and wound up on the floor all the way across the room. That freaked me the fuck out at first. Second time was after I had been unable to fall asleep for 7 and a half days. Finally passed out on day 8 and woke up 2 days later like I was a crazy person. Took awhile to register I had just slept through two days of my life.
  16. You can never stop moonwalking, ever. Shamone! I want the power to always find a good shopping cart at the store.
  17. The only way for you to instantly go to sleep is to drink a bottle of breast milk from a Cambodian immigrant. I want to breathe fire.
  18. And now no one else ever was at all. You exist alone and are the best by default. I want to use The Force.
  19. You're stuck in the far reaches of space, far away from any life or planets. I want sick kung fu skills.
  20. Iced oatmeal raisin, bakery only, though. For store bought, I buy those big packs of iced oatmeal and pair them with milk and an afternoon of bad decisions.
  21. I can't really say it's the best thing for me to do, but it works well enough and I'm lazy.
  22. I just clean my hands and wash my face with warm water.
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