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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Think I've met three total. Lived with one briefly, less than a year.
  2. Why do you think I had all those monitors for my computer? So I could watch 3 different hentai at once.
  3. Desktop is 8 years old. Laptop #1 is 7 years old. Laptop #2 is 1 year old.
  4. I like some of it. Get to enjoy things that aren't necessarily possible in human sex. So that's neat.
  5. Skip ahead to 20 seconds.
  6. I appreciate the kind words. As for the paintings, I haven't done them in 3 years, so I'm out of practice. Not currently taking any requests, but if that changes I'll let you know.
  7. You should go for it. I fucking suck at fighting games compared to practically anyone competing there. Since I already live out here it's just a short ride to the event, and the spectator tickets cost the same as competitor tickets. So fuck it, I'll get smacked around for like 1 or 2 games and just enjoy the show afterwards.
  8. GunStarHero


    Idk, Reptile looked mad stupid in his creature form.
  9. GunStarHero


    Pretty sure you said you were coming down here, ma'am.
  10. Are you going to EVO this year, by chance? I'll be there for Melee (I expect to lose nigh immediately, though).
  11. GunStarHero


  12. GunStarHero


    Is it one of the five greatest rappers of all time?
  13. Not sardines but reminded me of this
  14. I think the biggest hurdle with the YouTube pilot is me. Because we got shot down by two "big" companies I got discouraged at first, but then just super nitpicky about everything I was making. So it's more of a "I need to make something good enough to impress myself" or simply "allow myself to make it regardless" type situation. Right now I just don't really care and I'm so drained from work I barely have time for fun, much less such a big project. At any rate, here's some examples of the basic frames I did for the animatics. (Fun fact, Odin was in the original pitch, but I can't find a picture of his character at the moment.) For the 2014 pitch I hand drew everything in pencil, went over the sketches in ink, scanned them in and turned them into simple vectors in Illustrator. Example below: Here's a screencap of the private forum my friend and I were using to post and discuss everything. It shows our second story, the super villain one. Example shot from that story's animatic: Another thing we were doing was making a machinima. Here's a test shot turned into a gif:
  15. It gets tiring, but I live by myself and live decently. A big pro of my current job is spending money. I go fucking bonkers on groceries. Back in 2009 I was homeless and eating dumpster food. And 2010-2015 I was living paycheck to paycheck, praying I'd have enough money to buy shitty, cheap food or that I'd get something decent at the food bank. I love grocery shopping now. And, if nothing else, I can treat my buddies and cover food/tickets when we do actually go out.
  16. If you don't want to make your own Tso sauce, you can get some premade stuff. House of Tsang is a good one that's available in a lot of places, even Wal-Mart. Iron Chef is great, too, but harder to find in some parts of the country.
  17. Oh it's amazing. My culinary background is a combination of traditional Jing cuisine and Southern US cuisine, which is why I got into Fusion cuisine. I love combining stuff like that. Have you tried adding basil to your sauce? A pinch of sugar is always good, too. Lots of spice mixes and premade sauces have sugar in them. You can also try brown sugar. I recommend using a dark brown sugar, though, because it has more molasses in it.
  18. I work 60-80 hours in a given week, depending on which location I'm at. Standard week is always under 70 hours, though. When I was fresh out of college I was working just shy of 80 hours every week at just one job. The only two things I hate about work hours is 1.) Not being off when most of my friends are. A lot of them work during the day, 9-5 type deals, so they have the night off every night, so to speak. By the time I'm off, they're heading in for the night. and 2.) It's stopping me from getting a puppy. Sure I could hire a dog sitter or get people to help out, but that's too cumbersome and needlessly expensive since I'd need it 5-6 days a week. It's why I only have my betta fish atm, but I really want a dog, too.
  19. Oo gurl, I make my own Tso sauce and mix it in with some tomato sauce and tomato mush from the blender. Shit is bombastic. What's in your sauce?
  20. I don't know how much content you're expected to write, but $50 seems like nothing.
  21. Do you fuck with the war?
  22. Don't recalling beating either game, but I got 3D Blast and my Genesis in the game room.
  23. Not really what you're asking for but here go!
  24. It was 105° outside and the A/C was broken at work so we subsisted off of giant fans. Didn't work out. Also was 2-for-1 night at the buffet so got swarmed, too.
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