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Everything posted by Tricolor

  1. Here in California it wasn't that bad. We got a pretty chilly 81 degrees on that day. People were at the beach wearing parkas and snowshoes. Crazy.
  2. The reason fat people die much earlier than skinny people is because god is a goddamn cannibal and once we are fattened enough, he's all like " well, this piggy is done!" Now I know what you're thinking "Tricolor, are you off your meds?" Yes, yes I am. They make me feel flavors and taste sounds.
  3. Abominable is the gnarly shit im going to take after eating one of these..ahem...abominations
  4. Tricolor


    Well, that helped with the ole erectile dysfunction
  5. This is good advice. Two pants in the bush are worth clams in your pocket.
  6. I thought you were going back to your boulder?!?!
  7. Sounds like she had some stiff competition....that made no sense
  8. Time to invest in a remington
  9. Suk Mai Wang
  10. My cat just shreds holes into my couches
  11. Just watch out for crazy old Spaniards,mang!
  12. If i DONT see some crazy shit in the subway, then i start to worry.
  13. I swear i dont know what the fuck kids are saying these days....i clap for the shoe hands? Riiiiiight...
  14. Told ya
  15. Happy belated and all that bullshit!🎉
  16. That one goes in the colon
  17. Is this an Amber Heard thread?
  18. Good thing i didnt come!
  19. Clearly under a rock. A big one. Like a boulder. Boulder ,Colorado....you live in Colorado.
  20. Here ya go,ladies. Dont you all fall in love at once,now!
  21. Something about your ATM pin number, I don't know...whatevs
  22. Daaaaammmmmnnn
  23. Tom Hanks accent made my penis soft
  24. Nice outhouse you're hauling!👍
  25. Tricolor

    shit thread

    Yup, smells like it
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