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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. Emily Dickinson wrote the poetry My heart cannot put on paper. Unfortunately I haven't read any of her work in over a decade And the things you think will stick with you but Memories fade . I do vaguely remember one about the church bells ringing And someone died And everyone was grieving , but it was like wait if there is actually a heavenAnd good people go there why would you be sad in 1st place?
  2. Have a wonderful birthday, you lovely human being!
  3. I never kink shame anyone period however, When I hear a good idea I gotta give compliments were compliments are do
  4. I'm not gonna gripe about this thread, I'm not gonna make snide comments, this route is obviously not for me. Even though it's not bad this whole thread is a whole lot of Nope for me, however you guys and gals enjoy yourselves, and have a good night
  5. I know a lot of people will jump my crap over this, but I do like the stand up comedy stylings of Sarah Silverman .
  6. That sounds way better than my brunch fetish . Can I change my answer please?
  7. Having friends is basically just having family that doesn't get on your nerves as much . Of course, as you go on your friends and your self stay less and less in contact as often as they once did back in the day. but there's always that one friend that holds group together overtime regardless.
  8. My father told me he liked this particular genre of music. I replied, "K, pop."
  9. Why can't TrigunBebop learn economics?
  10. Wow just wow. I thought you were dead I'm so glad you're OK! ***Tears of joy***
  11. Dude, I was joking. The "Dandruff" I threw at you was actually... COCAINE!!!
  12. ***Throws a fist full of dandruff flakes at you***
  13. Touché
  14. I'm going to be the Jolly fat man, and no, not Santa Claus
  15. Underestimating the sheer raditude of the ninja turtles may very well be your undoing.
  16. My idea of breakfast porn is incorporating breakfast fare into kinky erotic play, You could amp it up to brunch porn by drinking a mimosa from in between a woman's bust whilst making love. Though if one wanted to up the ante, a gal eating a bowl of honey nut cheerios with a large volume of semen from a circle jerk instead of cow's milk would also fit into this genre.
  17. Baja blast is worth it.
  18. My mental state is bent by default. The last thing I need to do is to get drunk or high. Imagine the crazy wild N out dumb-ass shit I would be doing on a regular basis if my critical thinking and reasoning skills were compromised in the slightest. I would go Safe to Keter in 0.009 nanoseconds.
  19. Love you stick with this hobby, you will eventually be a man of many hats even if you don't take up more hobbies
  20. You know how sometimes you feel like your some BAMF MOFO with cool stats and abilities skills and then you realize You're not really that great. I realize that in my own life story I'm the main character ;The main protag , but on the major cosmic scale of the universe I am equivalent to Bob from Tekken That's not necessarily a bad thing but I was wanting to be like The main guy
  21. I actually laughed hysterically over this
  22. I can respect that
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