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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. Looking forward to it.
  2. Honestly, I feel like he should be there for the mother of his child rather than his Goddamn PlayStation. The dude should be fetching ice chips and such.
  3. Yo momma so dumb when the doctor told her she had crabs she said "No, I had a bologna sandwich and cheetos for lunch, I can't afford no Red Lobster."
  4. Vine was the ideal platform for my sporadic Intellectually stunted Form of humor.
  5. It's the vengeful spirit of the former king of pop Eating popcorn
  6. I think your cat might be reincarnated from a human or some type of Navajo skinwalker.
  7. I was heavy set in my childhood, and was vehemently in denial about my overweight status well into middle school. by the time I came toterms with my obesity, it was already out of hand.
  8. O hellz ye!
  9. I like the way you think ***Puts on a hockey mask and grab the machete ***
  10. I never get to do brunch these days. I am green with envy. Mother fuckin' eggs benedict and mimosas, yo. Right on.
  11. Who said anything about trick or treat? If I need a cheap candy in large quantities I would buy that stuff for my own consumption. Tis yumz imho
  12. You know it's a tad bit extreme when stillme says "jesus fuck" In response
  13. How can you say you love Halloween when you won't even eat it's poop ?
  14. What about those peanut butter candies at come in the black and orange wax paper wrappers?
  15. Did you want a candy corn mode? Because that would be lit AF.
  16. "Nazi war criminal being escorted to the gas chamber to be executed for crimes against humanity" c.1952 (colorized, 1988)
  17. The title alone screams "this movie is shit".
  18. Still working on losing more weight though. just thought I should clarify
  19. Wikipedia, more like sickipedia! Amirite?
  20. This statement is not untrue...
  21. I am just saying that it is completely fictional for now because I don't feel like doing any thorough or in-depth research at the for the time being.
  22. If I wanted to read pages upon pages of pure liquid excrement, I would read "Catcher in the Rye".
  23. Only time will tell, CAC. Only time will tell.
  24. I would highly recommend that you Track your calories through some sort of fitness app And balance that with how much exercise you do. seems like basic stuff but when you actually apply it to life you will be met with positive results. If you also exercise vigorously every other day and do at least some light cardio the days in between Those results will be expedited. At the my heaviest, I weighed 516 pounds, then I applied those guidlines. now I am at 437. If you're really serious, I would recommend getting a Fitbit. Keep in mind I eat what I want, but I eat lesser quantities of it and balance it out with the physical activity.
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