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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. Yes, happiest of birthdays to ye!
  2. If you had actually read my whole post you would have seen that I did in fact say it was 'merely a worst case scenario'. However, even if it only happened one time in an isolated incident people would lose their gosh darn minds. Because sheeple
  3. Ninja, please! I've got all of existence backed up onto a 512 Septillion Omnibyte solid state drive.
  4. Pepperidge Farm remembers
  5. C:/hubbb C;/hubbb/run FATAL ERROR DRIVE B:/
  6. Happy birthday spouse of bourve!
  7. Word up . I'm still sleepy.
  8. I haven't listened to any radio show or radio in general of my own accord in over a decade and a half
  9. It might actually be more economically sound to buy a new computer with Windows 10 pre installed . That a benefit to that is if you totally fried your system You can reinstall it Without having to find the product key Because The product key is already hard wired into the bios And if the PC have now already had Windows 10 on it when you bought it you're ahead of the game
  10. I am not in favor of this change just for the virtue that stalkers and/or crazy exes would be enabled to track potential victims more easily. Please allow me to give you an example: Girl 'A' Was in a horrible relationship wherein she was battered and systematically tormented for 2 years by guy 'B'. Girl 'A' eventually gets away from guy 'B'. After some time passes Girl 'A' Searches for companionship and love on OKC. Guy 'B'Create an alias and gets on OK cupid,Tracks girl 'A's Conversations and uses some subversive tactics to arrange a meeting , and then guy 'B' murders girl "A". I know this is merely the worst case scenario, but considering how reactive our society currently is, any instance such as this would ruin OKC's reputation for years to come.
  11. Dang, that is quite unfortunate. I'm on the sick freaks of nature that can eat pretty much any food item . the only exception being green Bell peppers, not because I am allergic to them are anything but because I feckin' hate that shit
  12. I am finding it extremely difficult to not say anything that would get me banned Right now ... So I will leave you with this; Coffee is so hot!
  13. Hence I am the Deus Gigas of Chaos (Deus Gigas is a being with 1 billion times the power of a typical deity.)
  14. Those "text messages" I sent , those were actually emails I sent to your email server , hence you were able to read them from your computer.
  15. How do I write a malevolent spirit to a 32 gigabyte USB flash drive? I do not have any VHS tapes. @Mini_Ghost
  16. I hear those things flip on a dime
  17. If it's under 80 all is gravy . That's the same rule using I use courting the ladies.
  18. It's called an email, dude.
  19. The only martial arts that actually matter are Turtle Hermit style , hokuto shinken And Jeet koon do
  20. Volcano of excrement? Is that when you take a whole lot of laxatives, Point your butt in the air ,And let loose the deluge of Brown liquid upon your foes?
  21. "Ashen" for PC on Steam. I hear tell that every player on the servers is playing an individual In this weird survival scenario However When you Co op with someone they could totally betray you or you can totally betrayed them So many question marks and variables, I ave a good feeling about it.
  22. I am SCP-13379001666-AΩ aka Schmahxgn: The ambivalent Giga-deity of chaos.
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