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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. A big ol' can of dick.
  2. My dick game is fire
  3. I have. It isn't too shabby.
  4. I'm not afraid to share...
  5. Hence my skin-walker theory...
  6. She's waiting...
  7. I am ALL the dicks...
  8. Don't hold me to that, my mind clocked out 3 pints of vodka ago. Day drinking for the win!
  9. No U.
  10. Cashew milk would be preferred, but I see no problem with this
  11. I live in an apartment, ergo are used all my neighbors' address when I use my address
  12. But when you think about it, on paper they are terrible ideas. Basically you're doing what people up until a few years ago were telling you to never do. You are officially giving a stranger your address over the internet so they can come pick you up and you can get in their car.
  13. You raise some valid points. Why you do dis?
  14. Flowers in the attic?
  15. There was actually a short story by Ray Bradbury where in there was this virtual reality room that made children's fantasies become reality, and in the end lions atethe parents
  16. Good Sir, this entire thread of discussion it was an elaborate ruse for me to be able to say "crocodile dun deez nuts!!!" , however I appreciate your enthusiasm and shall answer the prompt in earnest; That movie you are referring to, BNMJY , us"National Lampoon's Family Vacation"
  18. What was the title of the Australian themed movie starring Paul Hogan Featuring the famous quote, "That's not a knife, this is a knife"?
  19. That is still way better than pouring your milk first
  20. I believe those people should be locked up in an insane asylum and never allowed to see the light of day
  21. The average person if they were font is times new Roman, but mother fuckers who put their milk first then cereal are God damn wingdings
  22. AC/D. See this fat COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. The thing about the self checkout machines, Is that there not so much for placing jobs, as allowing employers to redirect jobs. I mean if you stand in a manned line and wait for a cashier to check you out you're not really helping anybody because if they have to call more people to open more registers, there not hiring more people to actually run the registers, their calling people who were stocking shelves and doing inventory and such and that makes more work for them but there still getting paid the same do you get when I'm saying?
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