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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. Nope.
  2. Nacho fries bell grande..... B/c I don't give a FUCK about my cardiovascular health.
  3. So, basically this is guacamole that has been burned on the top?
  4. Considering I have no allergies, aversions, or pickiness when it comes to food, as long as it's not gonna cause me to be violently ill; I'll try any food at least once.
  5. Yeah, but why though?
  6. So, I'm currently in training for a new position at a call center, but I have to do certification training for a month Before I get paid again. Ergo, money is tight and I have to improvise with meals frequently. Hence I created the following: Carolina Curry Pasta Ingredients: 2 packets of Pioneer brand sausage flavor country gravy mix 8 Tbs. yellow curry powder 1 lb. thin spaghetti 1 Tbs. freeze-dried chives Directions: In a medium saucepan, combine curry powder and 3 cups water; stir and bring to a boil Meanwhile, in a large cooking pot, bring a gallon of lightly salted water to a rolling boil. In a liquid measuring cup, combine contents of gravy mix packets with 1 cup cool water. when the curry water comes to a rolling boil, slowly stir in gravy mix/water solution and whisk until it reaches desire thickness, take of heat, add chives and whisk regularly once the large pot of water reaches a rolling boil, add pound of spaghetti to the water and boil as directed (7-10 minutes typically) drain the spaghetti, then transfer back to the pot, add the gravy-curry mixture, and toss vigorously Enjoy.
  7. That breakfast dish looks straight bangin'!
  8. I would have to disagree with you there, Because these were essentially flat, sweet & spicy churro pancakes made from cornmeal.
  9. Yo! That mess looks pretty flippin' dope AF, Home skillet!
  10. I saw my lover sitting in a pool of blood , I climbed into it to join her and asked "How many did it take to fill it this time? ".
  11. I'm throwing my hat in the ring but I don't wanna read the whole thread since there's like a metric fucktonne of posts already.
  12. ♫Come on let's have some fun this beat is sick I know you wanna suckle on my peppermint stick!♪ [Read to the tune of that Lady Gaga track]
  13. There is nothing quite like the beach in the late summer, but to me nothing beats the forest and mountains In the fall. I fucking love autumn and also the The assorted colors in the fall foliage.
  14. I want got permanently banned from the Adult Swim message boards For quoting a line from the movie "Clerks 2". Fortunately, the Late great Humbug realized this after stated in my case and gave me my account back For the final year and a half that the ASMB was still in existence,
  15. Dude, holy shit. That comes across as more hurtful and soul crushing than it does maddening.
  16. If you wanna get mad and you're conservative go to Tumblr, if you want to get mad and you are a liberal go to Reddit, And if you are not conservative or liberal, go to 4 Chan to get fully triggered by the horribleness of the bottom feeders of humanity
  17. And now it is Sunday....
  18. Get some salt!!! Your cat might be possessed by pazuzu!
  19. If I were you, I would not hold my breath. LOL#yolo swag #blaze it 420 #Kony2018
  20. Do keep in mind that this is pretend time fiction. Take it as a work of imagination and nothing more.
  21. Up until the 14th century ad the Easter Bunny was a well-known domesticated monotreme indigenous to various parts of Northern Europe. It had the aesthetic of your typical rabbit, but not unlike the Platypus or the Echidna, they produced exclusively by laying eggs. However, do to overharvesting of their eggs as a food source, and the fact that they were well sought-after delicacy, they were overharvested into Extinction. The Germans refer to these creatures as "EierHäse".
  22. I have been in that situation, it is called life.
  23. Wow, holy shit! That's some Next Level all caps rage.
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